1886-2016; bulk: 1969-2013

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Algonquin Club of Boston records is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

The member files in this collection (Series III) are closed to researchers until 72 years from the date of their creation. Requests to access member files will be reviewed by library staff. For more information, please contact the MHS library.

This collection includes digital material that is currently unavailable to researchers. This material will be made available at a later date.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of records of the Algonquin Club of Boston, a social club founded in 1886, including meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, member files, building plans, and printed material.

Historical Sketch

The Algonquin Club of Boston was a social club founded in 1886 (incorporated 9 March) by Oliver Ames, Edward A. Taft, William B. Wood, and Thomas E. Proctor "for the purpose of maintaining a club house and reading room in the city of Boston." The club originally occupied a building at 164 Marlboro Street until 1888, when it moved to 217 Commonwealth Avenue, a building designed specifically for the club by noted architects McKim, Mead & White. The club was incorporated under the name "New Algonquin Club" on 11 October 1898 and finally the "Algonquin Club of Boston" on 2 January 1908.

The officers of the Algonquin Club consisted of a president, vice-presidents (the number of these varied), a secretary or clerk, and a treasurer. The Executive Committee, the governing body of the club, was comprised of these officers plus a number of directors serving terms of various lengths. The organization also had a number of standing and special committees, including the Admissions Committee, Entertainment Committee, Finance Committee, House Committee, Marketing Committee, Membership Committee, and others.

While originally restricted to men, the club began admitting women to full membership in the 1980s. Prospective members were nominated by existing members, vetted by the Admissions Committee, and voted on by the Executive Committee. Membership not only included access to the club's facilities, but also reciprocal relationships with other social clubs around the world.

In 1999, the Algonquin Club entered into an agreement with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company to manage the club. This agreement was the subject of a lawsuit in 2000, The Algonquin Club of Boston v. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, when the club sued the company for "grossly negligent and fraudulent" practices and the company countersued. The case was settled in 2001.

In 2018, the Algonquin Club building at 217 Commonwealth Avenue was sold to Hexagon Properties, a real estate company, for renovation and modernization. The renovated building, now known as the 'Quin House, opened in 2021 and functions as a members-only clubhouse with restaurants, fitness facilities, and event spaces.

Presidents of the Algonquin Club

John Forrester Andrew
Francis Peabody, Jr.
Charles Henry Taylor
Francis Wright Fabyan
Louis Arthur Coolidge
Jacob Frederick Brown
Henry J. Nichols
Leland Powers
Charles E. Spencer, Jr.
Frank J. Wall
Raymond B. Cox
Maxwell E. Bessell
Glenwood J. Sherrard
Maurice W. Dennison
Edward A. Larner
H. Frederick Hagemann, Jr.
Edward P. Brown
William F. Keesler
Lawrence M. Cazayoux
Thomas L. Morison
Julius F. Haller
Rudolph C. Bulterman
Carlton W. Spencer
David T. Scott
Rudolph C. Bulterman
Edward A. Larner, Jr.
Paul G. Smith
Thomas P. McCann
Lawrence Thornton Shields
James M. Paulson
Richard C. Ockerbloom
James M. Howell
Katherine T. McAvoy
Leonard Kopelman
Kenneth I. Guscott
David M. FitzGerald
Maggie Trichon
William D. Adams
Bryan P. Coyne
Richard R. Kelly
William D. Adams
David H. Barlow
John L. Hickey, Jr.
Terence Keane


The Algonquin Club of Boston: Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws, House Rules, List of Officers and Members 1920. Boston: Algonquin Club, 1920.

"217 Commonwealth." Back Bay Houses, Accessed 10 November 2020.

Collection Description

This collection consists of records of the Algonquin Club of Boston, including meeting minutes and correspondence of the Executive Committee, the governing body of the club; annual meeting minutes; records of the Admissions Committee, Entertainment Committee, Finance Committee, House Committee, Marketing Committee, Membership Committee, and other standing and special committees; member files, consisting of correspondence and other records of approximately 3,000 individual members; and printed material, such as yearbooks, newsletters, programs, menus, bulletins, and newspaper clippings. The collection contains plans of and papers related to the club's building at 217 Commonwealth Ave. designed by architects McKim, Mead & White; records of members nominated and elected; and papers documenting finances and operations, various events held at the club, and the club's decision to admit women to full membership in 1984.

Acquisition Information

Gift of the Algonquin Club of Boston, November 2018, April 2019, November 2022. Additions through Vita Paladino, January 2019, Summer 2019.

Restrictions on Access

The bulk of the Algonquin Club of Boston records is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

The member files in this collection (Series III) are closed to researchers until 72 years from the date of their creation. Requests to access member files will be reviewed by library staff. For more information, please contact the MHS library.

This collection includes digital material that is currently unavailable to researchers. This material will be made available at a later date.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Administrative records, 1886-2013

The bulk of this series consists of records of the Executive Committee, the governing body of the Algonquin Club of Boston, including meeting minutes and correspondence. The series also contains early record books of the club and minutes of annual meetings.

A. Early record books, 1886-1927

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists of four volumes dating from the early years of the Algonquin Club. The first volume contains the by-laws of the club and the signatures of the original members, with their addresses and professions. The second volume begins with the club's incorporation as the New Algonquin Club in 1898 and includes minutes of annual and special meetings, by-laws, amendments, votes, notices, reports of committees, and membership data. Included are printed items and typescripts pasted in. The third volume consists of a typed transcript of the arguments in Attorney General v. Algonquin Club, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, a case related to the frontal projection of the club building. Also included in this subseries are letters of McKim, Mead & White, among others, and other papers about the case. The fourth volume is an oversize register containing signatures of club visitors between 1917 and 1921, as well as their place of residence and the club member by whom they were introduced.

For later minutes of annual meetings, see Series I.B. For early printed yearbooks, see Series IV.

Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 1
"Members of Algonquin Club," 1886
Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 2
"Records: The New Algonquin Club," 1886-1927
Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 3-4
Loose items removed from "Records," 1886-1927
Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 5
Attorney General v. Algonquin Club, 1889
Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 6-15
Papers related to Attorney General v. Algonquin Club, 1886-1895, undated
Box OS 1
"Algonquin Club, Visitors Register," 1917-1921Stored onsite at Ms. N-2649.

B. Annual meeting minutes, 1969-2013

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains minutes of annual meetings, with some gaps. Included are notices, agendas, records of officer nominations and elections, membership data, reports of committees with details of their annual activities, presidents' and treasurers' reports, proposals for amendments to by-laws, and votes. Also included is a typed transcript of the 1995 annual meeting.

For earlier minutes of annual meetings, see "Records: The New Algonquin Club" in Series I.A.

Carton 1SH 1B2YFolder 16-51

C. Executive Committee records, 1931-2013

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists primarily of monthly meeting minutes of the Executive Committee, the governing body of the Algonquin Club, with a few gaps. Included are secretaries' reports; treasurers' reports; balance sheets; membership data; lists of members elected, resigned, transferred, etc.; reports of committees with details of their monthly activities; committee assignments; votes; and correspondence related to matters before the committee and circulated with the minutes. This subseries contains some scattered minutes of other committees, especially the House Committee, that were circulated to the Executive Committee.

In 1984, the Executive Committee voted to admit women on the same basis as men. (Since 1956, the club had only admitted as "Lady Members" the widows and unmarried daughters of deceased members.) Minutes and correspondence of 1985 relate to a proposed revision of the club's by-laws to bar female members from parts of the building. The membership voted down the proposal.

This subseries also contains correspondence to and/or from members of the Executive Committee (the club's officers and directors) related to meetings, membership, by-laws, and club business, including memos, notices to all club members, and a 1995 petition to amend the by-laws; lists of officers, directors, and committee members for various years; and papers related to the club's legal dispute with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, including correspondence of Hans C. G. Bratt and Robert Tutnauer.

For additional financial material, see Series II.C. For correspondence of the Executive Committee with individual club members or directly related to an individual candidate for membership (i.e., recommendations), see Series III.

Carton 2SH 1B2Z
Meeting minutes, 1969-1989
Carton 3SH 1B30
Meeting minutes, 1990-2006
Carton 4SH 1B31Folder 1-32
Meeting minutes, 2007-2013
Carton 4SH 1B31Folder 33-69
Correspondence, 1931-2003; bulk: 1978-2003
Carton 5SH 1B32Folder 1-13
Correspondence, 2004-2013
Carton 5SH 1B32Folder 14-16
Lists of officers, directors, and committee members, 1979-2009
Carton 5SH 1B32Folder 17-27
Papers related to Ritz-Carlton lawsuit, 1998-2001

II. Committee records, 1918-2011

Arranged alphabetically.

This series consists of records of several of the standing committees of the Algonquin Club of Boston. Not all of the club's committees are represented in this series, and the records of each are not comprehensive. Committees for which the collection includes only a small amount of material are represented in subseries H.

For Executive Committee records, including scattered minutes of the House and other committee meetings, see Series I.C.

A. Admissions Committee records, 1963-2005

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Admissions Committee, primarily during the tenures of chairpersons Katherine T. McAvoy and Lawrence T. Shields. The bulk of the subseries consists of memoranda and other correspondence, lists of committee members and proposed club members, and meeting attendance sheets.

Applications for membership in the Algonquin Club were submitted to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee reviewed the applications and submitted potential candidates to the Admissions Committee. Members of the Admissions Committee met the candidates and made recommendations to the Executive Committee, which voted on new members at its monthly meetings.

For reports to the Executive Committee, see Series I.C. For files on individual members, see Series III.

Carton 5SH 1B32Folder 28-42

B. Entertainment Committee records, 1936-2008

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Entertainment Committee, primarily during the tenures of chairpersons Fred Brech, Herbert F. Braman, Donald M. Perrin, Janet Smith, and Maggie Trichon. The bulk of the subseries consists of notices, memoranda, and other correspondence; meeting minutes and agendas; lists of club activities; and function analyses. The subseries also contains material from the club's "Centennial Box," a time capsule compiled for its 50th anniversary in 1936 and opened in 1986. Included are letters from attendees at the 50th anniversary, a description of the event, letters from club members to be read by their children in 1986, and clippings from 1936 newspapers.

The Entertainment Committee was responsible for organizing events and outings for club members, including theater nights, concerts, movie nights, dinners, sporting events, ladies' events, and holiday parties. The Entertainment and Marketing Committees apparently combined in June 2002 to form the Marketing, Events, and Public Affairs Committee. See Series II.E. for papers of this combined committee.

For reports to the Executive Committee, see Series I.C. For material related to Marketing Committee and Public Affairs Committee events, see Series II.E. and II.G. For programs, menus, and other printed material related to events, see Series IV.

Carton 5SH 1B32Folder 43-73
Carton 6SH 1B33Folder 1-11
"Centennial Box," 1936, 1986

C. Finance Committee records, 1974-2007

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Finance Committee, primarily financial statements (with gaps). Also included are a few folders of memoranda, meeting attendance sheets, and other loose papers, as well as several months of daily sales reports, probably from 2002.

The Finance Committee was responsible for supervising the financial affairs of the club and making recommendations on expenditures to the Executive Committee.

For reports to the Executive Committee, including balance sheets and other financial material, see Series I.C. For function analyses detailing the costs of specific functions organized by the Entertainment or Public Affairs Committees, see Series II.B. or II.G.

Carton 6SH 1B33Folder 12-42
Financial statements, 1974-2001
Carton 6SH 1B33Folder 43-47
Memoranda, etc., 1991-2007
Carton 6SH 1B33Folder 48-56
Daily sales reports, [2002-2003]

D. House Committee records, 1918-2011; bulk: 1980-2003

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the House Committee, primarily during the tenures of chairpersons Peter W. Beacham, Herbert F. Braman, Paul G. Smith, Chester R. Frost, Katherine T. McAvoy, J. Brad Griffith, Robert K. Simonian, Leonard Kopelman, William D. Adams, and Maggie Trichon. Also heavily represented are general managers Paul de Koning, Charles L. Coulson, Andrew D. Hooker, William F. Harrington, Gerry O'Callaghan, and Hans C. G. Bratt, as well as Carol A. Perry. Included are letters and memoranda, meeting minutes and agendas, reports, financial material, and other papers documenting committee meetings, repairs to club equipment, purchases of supplies, renovations, inspections, staffing issues, union contracts, changes to menus, and other subjects. The subseries also contains several appraisals of art, furnishings, and other club property; the results of a membership questionnaire about club services; a master plan for the renovation of all public rooms and other building plans; and employee handbooks.

The House Committee was responsible for matters related to the club building and employees, including building maintenance and renovations, equipment and supplies, hiring and firing, setting salaries and service rates, menus, parking, security, and house rules.

For reports to the Executive Committee, see Series I.C.

Carton 7SH 1B34Folder 1-56
Carton 7SH 1B34Folder 57
Appraisal inventory, 1919-1924
Carton 7SH 1B34Folder 58
Appraisal inventory, 1948
Carton 7SH 1B34Folder 59
Appraisals of building, 1948-1967
Carton 8SH 1B34Folder 1
Appraisal of furnishings, etc., 1957
Carton 8SH 1B34Folder 2
Appraisal and catalogue of property, 1967-1968
Carton 8SH 1B34Folder 3
Appraisal and catalogue of property, 1970, with related correspondence, 1970-1971
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 4
Membership questionnaire, 1984
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 5-7
Master plan, 1984-1986
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 8
Appraisal of fine arts, 1985
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 9-12
Appraisals of pictures, 1997-2006
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 13
Real estate complete appraisal, 2002
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 14-22
Employee handbooks and job descriptions, 2003-2006, undated

E. Marketing Committee records, 1985-2006

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Marketing Committee, primarily during the tenures of chairpersons Cheryl L. Clarkson and Bryan P. Coyne. The bulk of the subseries consists of correspondence related to efforts to increase the use of the club, production of the club's printed material, events, and committee meetings; meeting minutes; and detailed member surveys administered in 1993, 1996, and 2005. Surveys summarize members' use of facilities and services, likes and dislikes, and interest in additional services and events. Also heavily represented in this subseries, beginning in 2002, are Sally Funk, the club's marketing and membership manager, and club president Maggie Trichon.

The Marketing Committee was responsible for "internal and external marketing of the Club, its facilities and its activities." The Entertainment and Marketing Committees apparently combined in June 2002 to form the Marketing, Events, and Public Affairs Committee. Papers of this combined committee are located here.

For reports to the Executive Committee, see Series I.C. For material related to Entertainment Committee and Public Affairs Committee events, see Series II.B. and II.G.

Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 23-58
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 59-65
Member survey, 1993
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 66-67
Member survey, 1996
Carton 8SH 1B35Folder 68-74
Member survey, 2005-2006

F. Membership Committee records, 1982-2010

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Membership Committee, primarily during the tenures of chairmen Andrews S. Macalaster, Peter L. Rollins, John M. Hamilton, Paul J. Donahue, Sr., Thomas P. McCann, and Joseph Timilty. The bulk of the subseries consists of memoranda and other correspondence, including correspondence related to efforts to attract new members; lists and summaries of club members; lists of committee members; and meeting minutes.

Applications for membership in the Algonquin Club were submitted to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee reviewed the applications and submitted potential candidates to the Admissions Committee. Members of the Admissions Committee met the candidates and made recommendations to the Executive Committee, which voted on new members at its monthly meetings.

For reports to the Executive Committee, see Series I.C. For files on individual members, see Series III.

Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 1-32

G. Public Affairs Committee records, 1985-1997

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers of the Public Affairs Committee, primarily during the tenure of chairman John J. Buckley. The bulk of the subseries consists of papers related to the club's Distinguished Speaker Series, including correspondence with and information about speakers, as well as order forms, function analyses, and memoranda.

The Public Affairs Committee was responsible for inviting "national and international figures who shape public policy and opinion to give lectures or to be honored" by the club.

For material related to Entertainment Committee and Marketing Committee events, see Series II.B. and II.E. For printed material related to the Distinguished Speaker Series, see Series IV.

Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 33-47

H. Miscellaneous committee records, 1964-2002

Arranged alphabetically.

This subseries contains records of various additional standing and special committees of the Algonquin Club of Boston.

Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 48
Ad Hoc Management Committee, 1983
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 49-52
Advisory Committee, 1983-1989
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 53
Applications Committee, 1964
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 54
Budget Committee, 2001-2002
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 55
Centennial Committee, 1982-1986
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 56
Investment and Endowment Committee, 1988-1989
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 57
Liaison Committee, 1998-2000
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 58
Nominating Committee, 1990-1994
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 59
Parking Committee, 1996-1997
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 60
Planning Committee, 2001-2002
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 61-62
Reciprocal Arrangements Committee, 1995-2002
Carton 9SH 1B36Folder 63-64
Travel Committee, 1977-1984

III. Member files, 1923-2011

63 document boxes.

Arranged alphabetically.

This series consists of files for many, though not all, of the individual members of the Algonquin Club of Boston. The bulk of the material dates from the 1970s to the 2000s. Included are proposals for membership, recommendation letters, roster records, questionnaires and personal data sheets, records of payments, member inquiries (accounts), signature cards, resignation letters, correspondence about status and address changes, and some collected biographical information, such as obituaries. Most files are incomplete. For a list of members whose files are included here, see the Select Index of Members below.

This series contains letters to and from individual members of the club. For notices to all members, see Executive Committee correspondence in Series I.C. For lists of members elected, resigned, transferred, etc., and member summaries, see Executive Committee meeting minutes in Series I.C.

A few members represented here also served as officers, directors, or committee chairs of the club. This subseries contains papers related to their membership only. For correspondence or other papers generated by them as officers, directors, or committee chairs, see Series I or II.

NOTE: The papers in this series are closed to researchers until 72 years from the date of their creation. Requests to access member files will be reviewed by library staff. For more information, please contact the MHS library.

IV. Printed material, 1886-2016

This series consists of printed material produced by and about the Algonquin Club of Boston, including yearbooks, newsletters, programs, menus, newspaper clippings, and other items.

For printed notices in the form of letters from the president or Executive Committee to all club members, see Series I.C.

A. Yearbooks, 1886-2016

Arranged chronologically.

The yearbooks of the Algonquin Club contain the certificate of incorporation; by-laws; house rules; provisions relating to membership; lists of officers, committees, and members; lists of club facilities, services, and events; reciprocal privileges; and other information. Included are occasional manuscript annotations and, from 1952 to 2001, photographs of club presidents. Yearbooks for the following years are missing: 1887, 1889-1893, 1896-1898, 1904, 1906, 1908-1909, 1912-1917, 1920-1921, 1924, 1927, 1930, 1932-1934, 1937, 1940-1941, 1943, 1954, 1956, 1965, 1972-1973, 1980-1982, 2001-2002, 2007-2008, and 2009-2015.

Carton 10SH 1B86
Carton 11SH 1B87
Carton 12SH 1B88Folder 1-29

B. Newsletters, 1983-2006

Arranged chronologically.

Newsletters were first published quarterly, then monthly and occasionally bimonthly. They contain information on upcoming events, new members, renovations and changes at the club, and other news of interest to members. Many newsletters are missing.

Carton 12SH 1B88Folder 30-39

C. Programs, menus, etc., 1886-2016

Arranged chronologically.

Additional printed material of the Algonquin Club consists of programs, notices, and invitations to events; menus; calendars; bulletins; programs for anniversary celebrations of the club; promotional material for prospective members; newspaper clippings; and other papers. Early printed items include designs of the clubhouse published in American Architect and Building News, 1887; a long Boston Daily Globe article about its opening, 1888; "The Clubs of Boston," by Henry Loomis Nelson, an illustrated Harper's Weekly supplement, 1890; a menu for the club's luncheon in honor of Theodore Roosevelt and an article about the event, 30 April 1901; and booklets and menus for banquets of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts and the Bibliophile Society held at the club, 1894-1926.

Carton 13SH 1B89Folder 1-5
Carton 13SH 1B89Folder 6-54
Carton 13SH 1B89Folder 55-60
Undated programs, menus, etc.

V. Oversize material, 1887-2004

This series contains oversize material removed from throughout the collection, including several plans of the Algonquin Club building, 1887, 1964, and 1984-1990; early printed articles about the club, 1890-1901; and other records. A removal form for each item has been filed in its original location.

Box OS 2
Stored onsite at Ms. N-2649.

Select Index of Members

Below is a list of members of the Algonquin Club of Boston whose files are included in Series III. This is not a complete list of members. (The club originally referred to married women by their husbands' first names, and this information has been retained in parentheses below.)

NOTE: Member files are closed to researchers until 72 years from the date of their creation. Requests to access member files will be reviewed by library staff. For more information, please contact the MHS library.


Abbott, Charles T.

Abbott, Mary J. (Mrs. Samuel L.)

Abbott, Muriel F. (Mrs. Paul D.)

Abbott, Paul D.

Abbott, Samuel L.

Abely, Nora G. (Mrs. Joseph)

Aborn, Foster L.

Abraham, Thomas F.

Adamian, Gregory

Adams, Nancy (Mrs. Weston W.)

Adams, Richard

Adams, Weston W.

Adams, Weston W., Jr.

Adams, William D.

Adler, John

Ahearn, John W.

Ahern, James F.

Ahern, John I.

Ahn, Jong Koo

Ajami, Alfred

Ajami, Alfred M., Jr.

Ala, Andrew L.

Albritton, William H.

Alden, Dutton R.

Alder, Jonathan R.

Alessandria, George

Alexander, Joyce L.

Alger, Richard E.

Alhart, Donald

Allegretti, D. Dennis

Allen, Asa B.

Allen, Charles E.

Allen, Eleanor W. (Mrs. Frank Gilman III)

Allen, Frank, Jr.

Allen, Frank Gilman III

Allen, Lee Montgomery

Allen, William, Jr.

Allinson, Deborah L.

Allison, Barbara Lynn

Allison, Fred W.

Allsopp, Thomas

Alpert, Richard E.

Altenhoff, Marc

Altfillisch, Michael D.

Alvord, Joel B.

Anathan, Jim

Anderson, Arthur W.

Anderson, Carl P.

Anderson, Christopher M.

Anderson, Gerald E.

Anderson, Harlan E.

Anderson, John C.

Anderson, Lee A.

Anderson, O. Kelley

Anderson, Robert G.

Anderson, William F., Jr.

Andlauer, Edgar L.

Andresen, Finn O.

Andrew, Norman W.

Andrews, John

Angarita, Armando Gonzalez

Angino, Michael Francis

Anglem, Thomas J.

Annis, E. Keene

Ansbro, William B.

Antico, Anthony J., Jr.

Arantes, Abelardo, Jr.

Armstrong, George R.

Armstrong, Jo Hunter

Armstrong, Muriel L. (Mrs. George R.)

Arnold, Howard B.

Arnold, Josephine B. (Mrs. Howard B.)

Aronson, Paul R.

Ashley, Austin S.

Atamian, Edward

Atkinson, Robert L.

Atwell, Henry L.

Atwood, Bradford Tyler

Atwood, Jacob M.

Atwood, Jonathan Fairfield

Atwood, Paul W.

Aubin, Richard E.

Auerbach, Arnold

Ault, Thomas J.

Avila, Charles F.

Ayers, James Randolph

Azar, Hassan Brian

return to top of index


Babcock, Jeffrey

Babine, Daniel F., Jr.

Babineau, Timothy J.

Babson, Deborah E.

Babson, Donald P.

Babson, Edith Y. (Mrs. Paul T.)

Babson, Paul T.

Bacow, Lawrence

Bagalay, John E.

Bagby, William A.

Bailey, Ellen (Mrs. Gage)

Bailey, Gage

Bailey, Peter A.

Bain, Colleen (Mrs. William W., Jr.)

Bain, William W., Jr.

Bair, David N.

Bairos, Manuela

Baker, Barbara B. (Mrs. Arthur F.)

Baker, Crowdus

Baker, Horace R., Jr.

Baker, James H.

Baker, Joseph N., Jr.

Baldwin, Bernard R.

Baldwin, Marion (Mrs. Bernard R.)

Ballotti, Geno A.

Balsamo, Salvatore A.

Balsbaugh, Richard M.

Baltzley, Dennis Robert

Barbara, Americo M.

Barber, Lincoln E., Jr.

Barckley, R. Lewis

Barker, James M.

Barker, John, Jr.

Barnes, Stanley R.

Barnhart, James Howard

Barr, James H.

Barreiros, Luis

Barrell, Katherine M. (Mrs. William A.)

Barrett, John Joseph

Barrett, Richard F.

Barriger, John W.

Barrus, Clifford B., Jr.

Barry, Allen G.

Barry, Edward F., Jr.

Barry, Patrick G.

Barton, Frances F. (Mrs. Frank E.)

Basius, Francis L.

Bassett, Stephen G.

Bassiouini, Ray

Baster, J. Dell

Bastoni, Edwin Earl

Bathon, Daniel H., Jr.

Bator, Joseph B.

Baute, Joseph A., Jr.

Baybutt, John

Beach, Norman Frederick

Beacham, Peter W.

Beal, Bruce A.

Beale, Jeffrey P.

Beard, Thomas Alexander

Becker, James M.

Beckerlegge, Bernard

Beckjord, Mary H. (Mrs. Walter C.)

Beckjord, Walter C.

Beckwith, Harry L.

Beddowes, William J.

Bedford, Norman C.

Beecher, Robert W.

Beer, Marc

Begley, Francis Gerard

Behr, Ralph K.

Beinner, David M.

Belady, Laszlo A.

Belknap, William H.

Bell, Arthur B.

Bell, Brian

Bell, Lawrence M.

Bell, Nelson M.

Bendetson, Richard Kurland

Benedict, Joseph T.

Bennett, Herbert E.

Bennett, Robert M.

Bennion, Grant M.

Benotti, Francesca (Mrs. Norbert)

Benotti, Norbert

Benson, Daniel A.

Benson, John K.

Benting, Reginald A.

Berge, Robert L.

Bergenheim, Robert C.

Bergenheim, Roger C.

Bergfors, Fred E.

Bergfors, Fred E., Jr.

Berk, Lee Eliot

Berkeley, Joseph W.

Berlandi, Joseph J.

Berry, Richard Nathaniel

Berryhill, Mark Noble

Bertocchi, Alfred M.

Bertschmann, Peter W.

Bessell, Maxwell E.

Betterley, George M.

Betts, James F.

Bezanson, Bruce E.

Bhatt, Rajiv

Bianchi, Lawrence A.

Bianco, Andrew

Biggio, Andrew

Bikas, Konstantin

Bildner, James L.

Billings, Ida C. (Mrs. Jack B.)

Billings, Jack B.

Bird, George Kurtz

Bird, Marion (Mrs. Adriel U.)

Bird, Sidney M.

Birger, R. Samuel

Birmingham, John P.

Birmingham, John P., Jr.

Birmingham, Patrick

Birmingham, Paul J.

Birmingham, Robert

Bischoff, David C.

Bishop, Joseph Pershing

Bishop, Kenneth R.

Bishop, Leon S.

Blair, Robert L.

Blake, H. Gary

Blalock, B. Jane

Blanker, William C.

Bleicken, Gerhard D.

Bligh, Austin

Bligh, Raymond

Blue, James D., II

Blue, Raymond M.

Blum, Joseph F.

Boehne, J. M.

Bogar, William D.

Bogue, Marcus

Bohacek, Regine

Boit, James S.

Bolec, Marcin A.

Bond, Doris E. (Mrs. Raymond A.)

Bond, Raymond A.

Bonesteel, Charles H.

Booma, Harold Ellsworth

Booth, Wallace W.

Boothroyd, Herbert J.

Bord, Nancy A.

Borden, Arthur M.

Bosson, Campbell

Bosson, Jane K. (Mrs. Campbell)

Bottomley, George T.

Bottomley, John T.

Bottomley, Lydia Fuller (Mrs. George T.)

Boudreau, Edward J., Jr.

Boughton, W. Edward

Boule, George O., Jr.

Bove, Peter D.

Bovich, Christopher Robert

Bowman, J. W.

Boyan, William L., Jr.

Boyd, David P.

Boyd, Ralph G.

Boyd, W. Walter

Boylan, Jeanne-Marie

Boyle, William L., Jr.

Boynton, Frederick H.

Boynton, John A.

Brackett, Stephen M.

Brackman, William F.

Bradlee, Eric D.

Bradley, Bartlett B.

Bradley, John Davis

Bradley, John J.

Bradley, Maria Lidia

Bradley, Robert Franklin

Bradshaw, Melvin B.

Braman, Herbert F.

Brandt, John H.

Braude, Leigh

Brebbia, J. Dante

Brech, Frederick

Bremer, John P.

Brennan, Clyde Francis

Brennan, Edward A.

Brennan, John J.

Brennan, Thomas F.

Brett, Chester S.

Brett, Virginia S. (Mrs. James F.)

Brewer, Constance (Mrs. Cyrus)

Brewer, Cyrus

Brewer, Ronald J.

Brewster, William S.

Brice, Edward W., Jr.

Briottet, Alain

Bristol, Rexford A.

Bristowe, Myles

Britt, Bernard James

Broadbent, Ernest Jewett

Broadbent, Richard A.

Brock, Kennith D.

Brock, Teri O.

Broderick, Brian C.

Broderick, Gerald

Brodkin, A. Keith

Broggini, Adrian J.

Broggini, Virginia E. (Mrs. Adrian J.)

Bronk, Donna M.

Brooks, John E.

Brooks, Joseph E.

Brooks, Paul F.

Brown, [Betty] (Mrs. Owen J., Jr.)

Brown, Earl F.

Brown, Earline L. (Mrs. Walter)

Brown, Edward P.

Brown, Ellis F.

Brown, Eric

Brown, Kathryn A. (Mrs. Edward P.)

Brown, M. Barclay, Jr.

Brown, Robert A.

Brown, Stephen L.

Brown, Walter L.

Brown, William Clarence

Brown, William L.

Browne, Aidan F.

Browning, Katherine H. (Mrs. Franklin S.)

Brueckner, Stefen F.

Bruso, Bernard Ray

Bruso, Claire (Mrs. Bernard Ray)

Bryson, Charles L.

Brzoski, Anthony A., Jr.

Buckardt, Everett L.

Buckley, James G.

Buckley, John F., Jr.

Buckley, John J.

Buckley, Mariana E. (Mrs. James G.)

Buckley, Stephen, Jr.

Bucknum, Anita L.

Bulbrook, John Marshall

Bulger, William M.

Bullard, Robert O.

Bullock, John A.

Bulmer, Edward Ernest

Bulterman, Rudolph C.

Bumford, Ervin L.

Bumpus, Frederick Joseph

Bumpus, John F.

Burdick, Lester L., Jr.

Burdick, Susan L. (Mrs. Lester L., Jr.)

Burg, Joseph W.

Burgess, David M.

Burke, Charles J.

Burke, Francis D.

Burke, Frederick F.

Burke, Helen F. (Mrs. John W.)

Burke, John W.

Burke, William A., Jr.

Burkhardt, Charles H.

Burnham, Edward L.

Burns, George Edward

Burns, R. Nicholas

Burton, Charles J.

Burton, Clark D.

Burton, Michael H.

Bush-Brown, David

Bushnell, Kendrick G.

Buskirk, James H.

Butts, Frederick H., II

Butze, Richard J.

Buuck, Charles T.

Byrne, Philip R.

return to top of index


Cabot, Carla Pellegrino

Cady, Janet

Cahners, Norman L.

Cahners, Robert M.

Cahners, Walter J.

Cain, David Anthony

Cain, Robert H.

Cain, Susan M.

Callahan, Charles E., Jr.

Callahan, James T.

Callahan, Margaret M.

Callahan, Thomas W.

Callender, Susan Joy

Cameron, Albert R.

Cameron, Don

Cameron, Thelma D. (Mrs. Albert R.)

Campanelli, Nicholas

Campbell, David K.

Campbell, Floyd D.

Campbell, Frances (Mrs. Floyd D.)

Campbell, Richard P.

Campbell, W. Donald

Campillo, Alberto

Campobello, Richard

Cangiano, Barbara Henderson (Mrs. Leon)

Cangiano, Leon

Cannie, Allen F.

Canniffe, Liam

Cannistraro, John C.

Cannistraro, Vincent F.

Cantella, Vincent M.

Canzano, Fran

Canzano, Francis W., III

Capstaff, Diane M.

Caravati, Richard M.

Carey, Frank J.

Carey, Norman C. B.

Carl, Sue (Mrs. Walter A.)

Carl, Walter A.

Carleton, John W.

Carlson, David

Carlson, John A.

Carmichael, Leonard

Carnes, Harold A.

Carney, Florence L. (Mrs. Robert W.)

Carney, Patrick

Carney, Robert W.

Carpenter, Daniel A., Jr.

Carpenter, Lawrence K.

Carr, Curtis M.

Carr, Edwin J.

Carr, Gregory C.

Carr, Robert E.

Carr, William T.

Carroll, James M.

Carroll, Owen J.

Carroll, Paul J.

Carroll, Richard S.

Carson, H. A.

Carson, Michael L.

Carter, Joseph R.

Carter, Ruth S. (Mrs. Lyon)

Carter, William J.

Carucci, Michael

Caruso, Ignazio F.

Carver, Howard L.

Case, Amy

Case, Frederic Howard, Jr.

Case, Hadley

Case, Paul E., Sr.

Case, Peter Tyler

Case, Phyllis (Mrs. Harold C.)

Casey, Carol K. (Mrs. Edward D.)

Casey, Edward D.

Casey, John J.

Casey, Peter P.

Casey, William P.

Cashman, Mary Patricia

Cass, Leonard J.

Castello, John

Cataldo, Philip A.

Catalfimo, David J.

Cater, Phyllis B.

Caterino, William Clarence

Cavalieri, Paul E.

Cavanagh, George H.

Cavanaugh, James Joseph Anthony

Cavanaugh, Leo P.

Cay, Robert Bruce

Cazayoux, Camille (Mrs. Lawrence M.)

Cazayoux, Lawrence M.

Cerce, Anthony J., Jr.

Cervieri, John A., Jr.

Chadbourne, Robert A.

Chamberlain, James T.

Champion, Geoffrey M.

Chandler, Albert Minot, Jr.

Chandler, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Albert M.)

Chandler, Michael E.

Chanowski, Fred L.

Chapin, David C.

Chapman, R. Reginald

Chapman, Stephen M.

Charlson, Ben

Charpie, Robert A.

Chase, Adam P.

Chase, Edward Leo

Chase, Leanne

Chase, Mary Claire

Chase, Peter R.

Cheever, Daniel S.

Cherny, David Edward

Chicos, Frederick H.

Chiotellis, Philip N.

Chipman, John F.

Chmielinski, Robert W.

Chobanian, Aram V.

Cholak, Paul M.

Christensen, Michael J.

Chun, Chu S.

Churchill, Newton C.

Ciampa, Dan

Ciriello, Mark

Clabault, Robert A.

Claflin, Bruce L.

Clagett, Gordon J.

Clancy, Mary C.

Clapp, John S., Jr.

Clark, Chester D.

Clark, James M.

Clark, L. R. Funston

Clark, Neda

Clark, Paul F.

Clark, Robert Philbrick

Clark, Thomas F.

Clarke, Terence M.

Clasby, James A.

Clayton, C. Comstock

Clayton, Richard R.

Cleary, James F.

Clendenin, William S.

Clifford, Harper B.

Cloonan, Paul Michael

Close, Richard

Clough, Charles E.

Cocaine, Christo

Cockey, Harry S.

Coco, Harvey S.

Coco, Samuel B., Jr.

Codman, Russell S., Jr.

Cody, Coleman F.

Coffey, Frederick P.

Coffey, Marion (Mrs. Frederick P.)

Cofield, James E., Jr.

Cogevina, Alexios

Coggeshall, Dexter Elton, Jr.

Cohen, Alan N.

Cohen, Herb

Cohen, Joshua

Cohen, Julian

Cohen, Saul

Colby, Hollis

Coleman, Martin J., Jr.

Coles, Bruce C.

Collatos, Charles N.

Collatos, Dianne

Collatz, Eugene P.

Collias, Arthur J.

Collier, Abram T.

Collins, Herbert F.

Collins, John E.

Collins, John E., Jr.

Collins, John F., Jr.

Collinson, Jill

Comer, Brian D.

Commack, William E.

Conant, Brewster

Condit, Edward Morrow, Jr.

Condit, John A.

Conley, James P.

Connell, Alfred L.

Connell, Kristen E.

Connell, William F.

Conner, Terry L.

Conners, David J.

Conners, J. Edward

Conners, John B.

Connolly, Paul K., Jr.

Connolly, T. Paul

Connolly, Thomas

Connors, John M.

Conrad, Albert A., Jr.

Conrades, George

Conti, Felix J.

Conway, James F., Jr.

Coogan, Thomas P.

Cooney, Edward A.

Coorssen, Anna B. (Mrs. George G.)

Coots, Ray H.

Copeland, George R.

Copeland, Lillian (Mrs. George R.)

Coppersmith, S. James

Corbin, William L.

Corcoran, Gerald

Corcoran, John M.

Corcoran, Joseph E.

Corcoran, Joseph J.

Corcoran, Leo

Corcoran, Timothy M.

Cordella-Howard, Andreé M.

Corey, Richard

Corkin, Steven D.

Cornish, Eleanor

Corrigan, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. John C.)

Corriveau, Robert E.

Cosgrove, Frederick A.

Costa, Mark

Costa, Mauricio E. Cortes

Costello, J. Paul

Costello, John P.

Costello, Kevin J.

Cotter, J. Holland

Cotter, James A., Jr.

Cotter, John R.

Cotton, John

Coughlan, Burton J.

Courtiss, Eugene Howard

Cowen, Philip Richard

Cox, Geoffrey F.

Cox, Martha

Cox, Robert McIntosh

Coyle, David J.

Coyne, Bryan P.

Crafts, Prescott Clough, Jr.

Craig, Clayton Bion

Craig, William Francis

Cramb, Charles W.

Crandall, Theodore D.

Crawford, Peter Sandison

Crawley, David M.

Crawley, Peter A.

Creelman, Wallace R.

Creighton, Margaret A. (Mrs. Albert M.)

Cronin, Arthur D.

Cronin, Helen R. (Mrs. Arthur D.)

Cronin, Joseph E.

Cronin, Joseph M.

Crotty, Andrew J., Jr.

Crotty, Frank Greeley

Crotty, Richard G.

Crovo, Charles

Crowder, Alexander N., III

Crowley, Richard P.

Crowninshield, Martha H. W.

Crumley, Brian

Crupi, Anthony P.

Crush, Mary Ann McLeod

Cudmore, Thomas J.

Cuker, George

Culbert, Andrew C.

Cullinane, John J.

Cullinane, John J., Jr.

Culver, Edward H.

Culver, Robert D.

Cumings, Robert E.

Cummings, Linda C.

Cuneo, Everett L.

Cunningham, John F.

Curcio, Andrew

Curran, John P.

Curran, Robert E.

Curran, Walter

Currey, Robert M.

Currie, L. Rodger

Currier, David L.

Currier, Gertrude H. (Mrs. Willard A.)

Curry, John A.

Curry, Roger F.

Curtin, Neal Joseph

Curtis, Lawrence H.

Curtis, Michael

Curtis, Thomas G.

Curvey, J. Scott

Curvey, James

Cusick, Paul V.

Cutter, George O.

Cuzzupoli, Joseph

return to top of index


Dadgar, Anowshirvan

Da Fonseca, Antonio Lopes

D'Agostino, William Joseph

Daher, Saleh, Jr.

Dahl, Norman M.

Dahl, Thomas M.

Dailey, William Joseph, Jr.

Dakin, A. Hazard

Dalbeck, Richard B.

Dale, Robert C.

Daley, Frederick Matthew

Daley, Herman

Daley, Leo F.

Dallas, Donald Edward

D'Alton, Mary

Daly, Joseph L.

Daly, William J.

Damalas, Nicholas S.

Damalas, Steven N.

Damon, Roger C.

Dane, John K.

Danforth, Dana H.

Danforth, Stuart

Daniels, Margaret Rechner (Mrs. Edward B.)

Danikian, A. Ara

Dannies, Robert B.

Danson, Barnett J.

Danziger, Michael P.

D'Aquanno, Raymond R.

Darlington, Horace

Darmody, [ ] (Mrs. John P.)

Dauer, Robert C.

Davenport, Horace E.

Davidson, Christopher C.

Davidson, Colin Miles

Davidson, Heidi

Davidson, Richard W.

Davis, Charles G.

Davis, D. Bradford

Davis, George Bancroft

Davis, George L., Jr.

Davis, George W.

Davis, James S.

Davis, Michael H.

Davis, Michael L.

Davis, Richard S.

Davis, Robert H.

Davis, W. Brett

Davis, William E.

Dawson, Steven L.

Dean, Charlotte B. (Mrs. Harry B.)

Dean, Geoffrey S.

Dean, Harry B.

Dean, Paul Dudley, III

Dean, Paul R.

DeAngelis, Anthony P.

DeAngelis, George P.

DeAngelis, Joseph

Dearing, Robert R.

deBenedictis, Danielle E.

Dechene, Ronald L.

Dee, Joseph K.

Delahunt, Robert M.

Delano, John W.

Delattre, Edwin J.

DeLong, Mary Lou

DeLorey, Christopher J.

DeLorey, Denise A.

DeLorey, Peter J.

DeLorey, Walter F.

Del Presto, R. R.

DeLuca, Ben J., Jr.

DeLyon, LeVent

DeMailly, Charles F.

DeMarco, Michael

DeMark, Richard R.

De Masi, Piero

DeMatteo, Martin

Dempsey, Leslie Rosen

Denault, Eliot W.

Denault, Eliot W., Jr.

Denly, Anthony P., Jr.

Dennison, Maurice W.

Denton, Dorothea L. (Mrs. George R. S.)

Dephouse, Clyde E.

DePrisco, Frank

Dervis, Donald C.

Desmond, John S.

D'Esopo, Conrad M.

D'Esopo, John

DeWinter, Benjamin

DeWitt, Walter N.

d'Guruceaga, Antonio J.

DiBenedetto, Paul J.

DiBiaggio, John

Dickson, William R.

Dietrich, H. Curtiss

Dietterich, Hans C.

Dignan, Hester C. (Mrs. Thomas G.)

Dignan, Thomas G.

Dill, William R.

Dimino, Joseph C.

Dinardo, Dom J.

Dinneen, Gerald P.

DiPesa, William F.

DiPietro, Frank S.

DiRico, Joseph F.

DiStasio, James S.

Dixon, Alfred G.

Dixon, Merwin H.

Dobbyn, Robert E.

Dobens, Charles T.

Dobra, John Allen

Dodge, Frank H.

Dodge, Waldo E.

Doering, John C.

Doering, Ralph Henry, III

Doherty, Brian F.

Doherty, John

Doherty, Robert, Jr.

Dominski, Peter

Donahoe, Patricia K.

Donahue, Hugh C.

Donahue, Walter R.

Donahue, William Cannon

Donnelly, John, Jr.

Doran, Yunie

Doretti, Robert L.

Dorfman, Sumner

Dorgan, Joseph A.

Dorris, James Thomas

Douglas, Newton R.

Douglas, Paul A.

Douglass, Inman H.

Doulos, Charles James

Dow, Harold

Dowd, James Edward

Dowd, John C.

Dowd, Marguerite (Mrs. John C.)

Downey, Charles H.

Downey, John Cramwell

Downey, Richard R.

Downs, Linwood C.

Doyle, Frank

Dracksdorf, Janet

Draeger, Ken

Drake, Charles R.

Drake, Christopher P.

Drake, Herrick A.

Draper, Thomas F.

Drew, Steven John

Driscoll, Bennet F.

Driscoll, John Thomas

Drolet, David Tyler

Drolet, Gene

Drummond, Edward T.

Dubilo, Ned

Dubois, Mary Z. (Mrs. Ubald E.)

Dubois, Ubald E.

Ducey, Henry J.

Ducie, Charles J., Jr.

Dudhia, Ismael

Duffey, Joseph

Duffey, William N., Jr.

Duffy, Kenneth J.

Duffy, Robert A.

Dugan, Donald R., Jr.

Duncan, Paul R.

Dunn, James Owen

Dunn, Joseph P., Jr.

Dunn, M. Joseph

Dunn, Robert P.

Dunn, Sidney

Dunning, Vincent H., Jr.

Durland, William Sanford, III

Duryea, James, II

Dutzmann, Ingo Rolf

Dyer, Edwin Jack

Dyer, Howard P.

Dysart, Hugh, Jr.

Dyson, Robert E.

return to top of index


Eacker, Earl H.

Eagan, William A., Jr.

Earley, William J.

Easter, Charles W.

Eastler, William Edmund

Eastwood, Myron L.

Eaton, Clifton H.

Eavenson, John L.

Eburne, Timothy C.

Ecock, Anthony Francis

Economides, John

Edgar, Robert M.

Edmonds, Andrew W.

Edmonds, Dean

Ehlers, Charles H.

Eichorn, John F. G.

Eiermann, Jack

Einhorn, Thomas Alfred

Eisner, William

Elio, Carmen William

Ell, Carl S.

Elliott, Byron K.

Ellis, Harry B., Jr.

Elmont, Stephen E.

Elwell, Lilian Newell (Mrs. William D.)

Ely, Joseph B., II

Emerson, Robert G.

Emery, Forrest S.

Engdahl, Arthur E.

England, Frederick J.

England, Mary Jane

English, Robert J.

Enright, Joseph F.

Erlewine, John Albert

Essa, Jay

Evans, David C., Jr.

Evans, Glenn Arthur

Everett, James R.

Everett, John C.

return to top of index


Fadjo, D. Lawrence

Faherty, Terence F.

Fair, A. E. Harold

Fair, Arthur B.

Fair, Arthur B., Jr.

Fair, Arthur B., III

Fair, Josephine C. (Mrs. Arthur B.)

Fairbanks, Arthur E.

Fairclough, James H., Jr.

Falaschi, Roberto

Falk, Irvin V., Jr.

Fallgren, Herbert R.

Fallon, Griffin

Fallon, John T.

Fallon, Leslie A.

Fallon, Peter G., Jr.

Fallon, William J.

Falvey, Donald, Jr.

Faris, Charles W.

Farkas, Charles M.

Farmer, Neil P.

Faro, Christine Ann

Faro, James R.

Faro, Richard

Farrell, John J.

Farwell, Frank L.

Fasciano, Peter J.

Faulhaber, Thomas A.

Faulkner, Robert R.

Fava, Carlo

Faxon, Raymond H.

Fazio, Michael A.

Feingold, Judith

Feldman, Robert P.

Feldmann, Maurice J.

Felegian, Paul

Felton, William R.

Fenniman, William W.

Ferguson, Fred E.

Ferguson, Gardner C.

Ferguson, Norman A.

Ferguson, Paul Kenneth

Fergusson, George

Ferrara, Julia R.

Ferrarini, Robert A.

Ferreira, Paul Edward

Ferretti, Bruno

Fibiger, John A.

Field, William C.

Fielding, Walker

Fifield, Velura F. (Mrs. Robert S.)

Filip, John Lucien

Filippone, Lawrence

Finch, Boyd

Finegan, Richard J.

Finigan, John B.

Finigan, John B., Jr.

Finn, Daniel J.

Finnegan, J. Paul

Finnegan, Lawrence J.

Finnegan, Peter A.

Fiore, Louis R.

Fish, Cynthia Gelsthorpe

Fish, David Earl

Fish, Edward A., Jr.

Fish, Lawrence K.

Fish, Richard

Fish, Robert S.

Fisher, John Hyde

Fitzgerald, Ann (Mrs. William J.)

Fitzgerald, Charles F.

Fitzgerald, David

Fitzgerald, Robert P.

Fitzgerald, T. William, Jr.

Fitzgerald, W. Kevin

Fitzgerald, William J.

Fitzgerald, William S.

Fitzmaurice, Charlena M. (Mrs. James E.)

Fitzmaurice, James E.

Fitzpatrick, Francis M.

Fitzpatrick, Harrison

Fitzpatrick, Henry J.

Fitzpatrick, Patrick

Fitzpatrick, Robert

Flanagan, Edward Michael

Flanagan, Leo A.

Flanagan, Walter J., Jr.

Flanders, John B.

Fleming, Gerald S.

Fletcher, Herbert E.

Fletcher, William M.

Floe, Carl F.

Flood, Jacqueline H. (Mrs. Richard R.)

Flynn, Edward K.

Flynn, Frank J.

Flynn, George

Flynn, John J., Jr.

Flynn, Leo R.

Flynn, Paul L.

Flynn, Paul L., Jr.

Flynn, Robert A.

Flynn, Robert J.

Flynn, William J.

Flynn-Trooboff, Florence E.

Foley, Gerard J.

Foley, Gerard Joseph

Foley, Henry E.

Foley, James D.

Foley, Sarah Callahan

Fontana, N. John, III

Foreman, A. W.

Forman, Joel H.

Forrester, Richard L.

Forte, Orville W.

Fossella, Gregory

Fouracre, Robert

Fowler, Frederick V.

Fox, Charles J.

Fox, Francis S.

Fox, John M.

Fox, Keith E.

Fox, Michael J.

Fox, Robert

Frank, Harold

Franklin, Robert L.

Franzaroli, Donna Franca

Frashier, Gary E.

Frawley, Gerard B.

Frawley, William Joseph, Jr.

Freche, Gerhard M.

Freed, Dean W.

Freedberg, Milton S.

Freeman, Ernest J., Jr.

Freeman, Robert H.

Freeman, Robert L.

Freeman, Wendell R.

Frick, Raymond A., Jr.

Friend, Walter A.

Frost, Chester R.

Frusztajer, Boruch B.

Fubini, David G.

Fuller, Alvan T.

Fulp, Carol

Fulton, [ ] (Mrs. A. Oram, Sr.)

Fulton, A. Oram, Jr.

Fulton, F. Steeves

Furer, David D.

Furfey, Frederick

Fyler, Anson Charles

return to top of index


Gable, Robert L.

Gabriel, Peter P.

Gage, Peter Mason

Gakidis, Nicole

Gallagher, John Francis, III

Gallagher, John R., III

Gallagher, Joseph C.

Gallagher, Mark J.

Galligan, Peter A.

Galligan, Thomas J., Jr.

Galligan, Thomas J., III

Galvin, Thomas M.

Ganger, Jon L.

Gannon, Donald A.

Garcia-Jimenez, Bernardo

Gardiner, Thomas

Gardner, Frederic John

Garfinkel, Philip

Garhart, Theodore M.

Garrison, Richard C.

Gary, Louis

Gary, Thomas Joseph

Gaston, Don F.

Gaston, Eugene

Gaston, Jessie (Mrs. Philip W.)

Gates, Richard S.

Gatsos, John P.

Gaudreau, Joseph M.

Gauthier, Francois

Gavin, James M.

Gay, Clyde F.

Gaynor, Martin F.

Geary, John C.

Gee, E. Gordon

Geiger, J. Donald

Gelsthorpe, Edward

Geneen, Harold S.

Gergyes, Joseph M.

Gerhardt, Walter

Germano, Giovanni

Gerould, Edwin M.

Gerretsen, Reinder W.

Gerritson, A. J.

Gerson, Samuel J.

Geupel, Ann M.

Ghublikian, John Richard

Giampapa, Thomas

Gibbons, David

Gibbons, Edward F.

Gibbons, Elizabeth R. (Mrs. Edward F.)

Gibbons, James

Gibbons, Robert E.

Gibson, George W.

Gibson, William S.

Gieselman, Scott Andrew

Gifford, Nelson S.

Gilbert, Horace D.

Gilhooly, Joseph R.

Gill, Paul Herman, Jr.

Gillette, Robert S.

Gillis, Colin W.

Gillis, Michael

Gillis, Robert E.

Gilman, Richard

Gilmartin, John A.

Gilmore, Brian Rodney

Gilmore, Edward

Gilmore, Joan B. (Mrs. John E.)

Gilmore, John Edward

Gilmore, John T., Jr.

Gittens, Donna Latson

Giuggio, John P.

Glavin, William F.

Gleason, David Childs

Glencross, Darrell E.

Glendon, Richard R.

Gnazzo, Jerold

Godfrey, Wilfred

Godsoe, Boyce W.

Godvin, Bernard A.

Goff, Jeffrey W.

Goff, Luke L.

Gold, Herbert F.

Gold, Richard L.

Goldberg, Michael J.

Golden, William A.

Goldman, Celia

Goldman, Maynard

Goldweitz, Saul

Goodall, William, Jr.

Goodby, Scott Rhodes

Goode, Edward F.

Goode, Eleanor A. (Mrs. Edward F.)

Goodgame, Thomas

Goodwin, David M.

Goodwin, G. Dean

Gorden, David James

Gordon, Julian D.

Gordon, Robert D.

Goss, Jackson W.

Gotlieb, Howard B.

Goubeau, Vincent dePaul

Gould, John J.

Gould, John R.

Gourley, William

Gowdy, Curtis E.

Gowdy, George Hopper

Gowdy, Trevor A.

Grace, Karl A.

Grace, Leo F.

Gracey, John Stephen

Grady, John

Graham, Kenneth M.

Gramkow, Margaret (Mrs. Irving)

Granat, Eric

Grant, Stephen W.

Gray, Richard W.

Gray, William H., Jr.

Greaney, David

Greaney, James Robert

Green, Douglas

Green, William Shelander

Greenan, Wirt G.

Greendale, Christopher

Greenhalgh, John Robert

Greenwood, Gilbert F.

Gregorian, Vartan

Gregory, I. Francis, II

Gregory, Robert H.

Gress, W. George

Grey, Florence M. (Mrs. George H.)

Griffin, John J.

Griffin, Stephen J.

Griffith, John B.

Griffith, Marci B.

Griffith, Robert D.

Grillo, Sandra A.

Grillo, Victor N., Jr.

Grimes, Kern

Grimes, Tammy

Grimm, Richard W., Jr.

Gripman, William Severance

Griswold, Earle A.

GrosJean, Paul R.

Gross, Adelaide (Mrs. Boone)

Gross, Boone

Gross, Maurice R.

Grover, Walter C.

Groves, Samuel A.

Grubb, Kenneth M.

Guerrette, Anne T.

Gulley, Joan L.

Gumuchdjian, André A.

Gura, Joseph J.

Gurall, Bruce

Gustafson, Wendell N.

Gustin, Charles A.

Gustin, Ralph L., Jr.

Gutierrez, Arthur Jorge

Guy, Tracy A.

return to top of index


Haas, Walter G.

Habermann, Richard C.

Hackett, James E.

Hade, James R.

Hagemann, H. Frederick, Jr.

Haigney, Dayton P.

Haigney, Roger G.

Hailer, Florin J., Jr.

Haley, Dennis J.

Haley, Martin Ryan

Halfyard, Robert L.

Hall, Howard E.

Hall, John C.

Hall, Marcia B.

Hall, Richard A.

Hall, Wilfred McGregor

Hallal, Mark Adam

Haller, Julius F.

Haller, Mary A. (Mrs. Julius F.)

Halloran, Edward F., III

Halloran, Eugene R.

Halloran, James P.

Halloran, John B., Jr.

Halloran, John J.

Halloran, Mary Madeline

Halloran, Michael T.

Hallowell, Burton C.

Halvorsen, Olaf

Halvorson, Henry M.

Hamblet, Philip

Hamill, John P.

Hamilton, Ann (Mrs. William C.)

Hamilton, Helen F. S. (Mrs. Hugh G.)

Hamilton, Hugh G.

Hamilton, John M.

Hamilton, Mary Ann

Hamilton, William C.

Hammerstrom, Frank

Hammond, Chester

Hammond, Mark

Hammond, William J.

Hancock, Frances (Mrs. Grenville L.)

Hancock, Grenville L.

Hand, Leo Vincent

Handler, Evelyn E.

Hannon, Edwin F.

Hannon, Marguerite C. (Mrs. Edwin F.)

Hannon, William J., Jr.

Hanrahan, Katherine E. (Mrs. Paul B.)

Hanrahan, Paul B.

Hansen, George

Hansen, Howard E.

Hansen, Patricia T. (Mrs. Howard E.)

Happ, Robert D.

Harben, Rain Phillips

Harden, Robert L.

Harder, Timothy K.

Harding, John C., III

Harding, Richard S.

Harman, Richard P.

Harms, Stanley F., Jr.

Harney, Joseph D.

Harrington, John L.

Harrington, John M.

Harrington, Kevin F.

Harrington, Malcolm W.

Harris, Andrew M.

Harris, John

Harrison, C. Richard

Harrison, John A.

Hart, Cyril S.

Hartman, Alvin H.

Hartman, Sol J.

Hartstein, Lisa

Harty, W. A.

Harvey, Robert T.

Harvey, Zachary

Haskell, James L.

Hatch, Christopher H.

Hatch, John C.

Hatch, Morgan P.

Hathaway, Raeburn B., Jr.

Haughey, Ellenann W.

Hauswedell, P. Christian

Hawley, Earl K.

Hayden, James A., Jr.

Hayden, John L.

Hayden, Naomi (Mrs. John L.)

Hayes, John J., III

Hayes, John T.

Hayes, Patrick T.

Haynes, William E.

Head, Alden F.

Healey, Joseph P.

Healey, Stephen J.

Healy, Henry Scanlon

Heap, Ian R.

Hearn, Eleanor

Hearn, James W.

Hearty, James B. G.

Heath, Richard N.

Heck, William

Heeg, Peggy Jane

Hegarty, Daniel E.

Hegarty, Kyle H.

Hekimian, James

Hellmuth, Paul F.

Hemsley, Stuart D.

Henchey, Harold L.

Henderson, Jeffrey James

Henderson, John C.

Henderson, Robert L.

Hendrick, Gerald P.

Hendrix, William L.

Hennemuth, Robert George

Hennessey, Frank Martin

Hennessey, Frank Michael

Hennessey, John L.

Hennig, Elmer A.

Hensley, Byron, Jr.

Hensley, Stuart K.

Henson, James H.

Henson, Joe

Hermes, Benjamin M.

Herrin, Gareld R.

Herrmann, Carl S.

Herron, John Harrington

Hersey, Norman A.

Hersey, Winthrop P.

Herterick, M. Claire (Mrs. Vincent R.)

Herterick, Vincent R.

Hertzka, Felix

Hewitt, Charles C.

Hickey, Thomas A., III

Higdon, Leo I., Jr.

Higgerson, Richard J.

Higgins, James Francis

Highberger, William T., Jr.

Hill, Devin M.

Hill, John

Hill, Raymond J., Jr.

Hill, Richard D.

Hillery, Robert P.

Hills, Henry W.

Hines, William Frederic

Hirschtick, Melissa H.

Hite, Garth

Hoagland, Robert A., Jr.

Hockfield, Susan

Hodder, Edwin J.

Hodgdon, Dewey

Hoemke, Dale N.

Hoffman, Barry D.

Hoffman, Lynn Thompson

Hofmann, Cornelia (Mrs. William F., Jr.)

Hofmann, Stephen

Hofmann, William F., Jr.

Hogan, Coleman F.

Hogan, Daniel E., Jr.

Hogen, Kensaku

Holbik, Thomas

Holden, Luisa H.

Holden, Matt

Holden, Richmond Y.

Holland, Daniel G.

Hollander, Mark R.

Holliday, Margaret C.

Holmes, [ ] (Mrs. Howard W.)

Holmes, Daniel Brewster

Holmes, Edith B. (Mrs. Edwin P.)

Holmes, Jack E.

Holmes, Philip B.

Holmes, William J.

Holt, Thomas F., Jr.

Holtz, Herbert L.

Hone, L. Michael

Hooker, Andrew D.

Hoon, Shelley I.

Hopkins, Allen J.

Hopkins, Doris (Mrs. Warren B.)

Hopkins, Georgia A. (Mrs. Mark N.)

Hopkins, Mark N.

Hoppel, Joseph A., Jr.

Horan, James

Horne, John E.

Horowitz, Arnold J.

Horrigan, James J.

Horst, David Joseph

Horton, Elmer G.

Horton, Wesley E.

Horton, Wesley E., II

Horwitz, Michael D.

Hosage, Daniel A.

Houde, Joseph François-Xavier

Hourigan, J. Lester

Houston, Alfred D.

Howard, Edward T.

Howard, Stephen W.

Howard, Thomas Trumbull

Howell, James M.

Howland, Florence E. (Mrs. Ray, Sr.)

Howland, George

Howland, Michael A.

Howland, Neil G.

Howland, Ray, Sr.

Howland, Ray, Jr.

Hoye, Robert G.

Hoyt, Joseph H.

Hubbard, Richard A.

Hudd, Neil P.

Hudson, Bradford T.

Hugel, Charles E.

Hughes, Edward

Hughes, Stuart M.

Hughes, Thomas

Hulsman, William

Hunt, Alison J.

Hunt, Francis Aloysius

Hunt, Jarvis

Hunt, Jonathan A.

Hunt, Joseph F.

Hunter, [ ] (Mrs. Louis J.)

Hunter, Louis J.

Huntington, Frederick W.

Huntington, Ruth M. (Mrs. Frederick W.)

Hurley, Mildred T. (Mrs. Thomas E.)

Hurley, Paul Edward

Hydok, Joseph T.

Hyland, Samuel F.

Hytha, Robert J.

return to top of index


Iacoi, John M.

Iguchi, Mamoru

Ilg, Raymond Arthur, III

Infantine, Maria

Innes, Andrew M.

Irwin, Donald, III

Isaac, Edward T., Jr.

Itzkan, Annette

Ivey, Arthur J.

return to top of index


Jackson, George J.

Jackson, Helen T.

Jacobson, Csilla

Jacobson, Ralph H.

Jacoiste, Julio L.

Jacques, Kellie D.

Jaffe, Robert M.

Jakubik, Frank D.

Jeanloz, Theodore

Jenkins, John R.

Jenkins, Robert F.

Jenkins-Scott, Jackie

Jenks, Evelyn M. (Mrs. James L., Jr.)

Jenks, James L., Jr.

Jenney, R. Dick

Jennings, E. Morton, Jr.

Jennings, Julie Jenifer

Jennings, William S.

Jennison, Gary A.

Jensen, Jeffrey J. P.

Jensen, John P.

Jensen, Jon M.

Jensen, Jonathan

Jetté, Edith K. (Mrs. Ellerton M.)

Jetté, Ellerton M.

John, Francis David

Johnson, Adeline K. (Mrs. John H.)

Johnson, Edward A.

Johnson, Eleanor P. (Mrs. Melvin Maynard)

Johnson, George D.

Johnson, Harriet W. (Mrs. Leighton F.)

Johnson, Howard W.

Johnson, John H.

Johnson, Mark R.

Johnson, Marrian

Johnson, Melvin Maynard

Johnson, Richard

Johnson, Robert L.

Johnson, Thomas L.

Johnson, William Corrigan

Johnson, William G.

Johnson, William J.

Jones, Allan R.

Jones, Howard Palfrey

Jones, Richard

Jones, Thomas A.

Jordan, George Carleton, Jr.

Jordan, Gregg Rooke

Jordan, Michael John

Jordan, Robert C.

Jorgensen, Dennis D.

Joseph, George G.

Joy, Robert P.

Joy, William Francis

Joyce, John E.

Joyce, John E., Jr.

Joyce, Michael J.

Joyce, Thomas M.

Joyce, Thomas M., Jr.

Julier, H. S.

Jurgen, Robert

return to top of index


Kabbara, Wasseem S.

Kalaghan, Robert P.

Kaminski, Frank Charles

Kane, Paul M.

Kaneb, Paul D.

Kaneb, Richard Christian

Kapinos, Ellen Joy

Kaplan, Helene Cahners

Kasten, John G.

Katzenberg, Arthur D., Jr.

Kautz, Lynford E.

Kavanaugh, Gerard

Kawato, Akio

Kaye, Charles Forbes

Kaye, Charles Forbes, Jr.

Kaye, Laura Kallin

Keane, Joseph F.

Kearns, Lawrence M.

Keating, Henry F.

Keating, P. Warren

Keating, Paul J., II

Keating, Robert Paul

Keegan, Robert J.

Keene, Mark

Keesler, William F.

Keith, E. Bradford

Keith, John W.

Kelleher, Mary A. (Mrs. Michael T.)

Kelleher, Michael T.

Keller, Harold R.

Keller, Robert L.

Kelley, Albert J.

Kelley, Andrew J.

Kelley, Daniel F., Jr.

Kelley, Glenn C.

Kelley, Kevin E.

Kelley, Robin

Kellogg, Jarvis Phillips

Kelly, Edmund F.

Kelly, Edward L.

Kelly, Richard

Kelly, Robert Ennis, Jr.

Kelly, Robert James

Kelly, Sarah

Kempton, Frederick M.

Kendall, Evelyn L. (Mrs. Henry P.)

Kendall, Kennett R.

Kendall, Kennett R., Jr.

Kendall, Walter J.

Kendrick, Catharine B. (Mrs. J. Gordon)

Kendrick, J. Gordon

Kendrick, William L.

Kennedy, Christopher C.

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Judith M.

Kennedy, Lee Michael

Kennett, A. Crosby, II

Kennett, Etta C. (Mrs. Frank E.)

Kenney, Frank J.

Kenney, Helen Kendall

Kent, Hervey

Kent, William H.

Keohane, Nannerl

Kern, Elizabeth C. (Mrs. Harold G.)

Kern, Harold G.

Kerr, Donald M.

Kershaw, Thomas

Kerwin, Mark B.

Kessler, Howard J.

Kettle, Arthur B.

Kettle, Frank H.

Keville, William J., Jr.

Khoylian, Rouzas

Kidman, Merrill W.

Kilduff, Ruth Louise

Killian, James R., Jr.

King, Alma A. (Mrs. George J.)

King, Edward L.

King, George J.

King, John J.

King, Lawrence F.

King, Myles B.

Kingsley, Gordon F.

Kinne, Alan Stoddard

Kinnealey, Thomas F.

Kinney, E. Robert

Kinsman, John G.

Kinzer, Stephen

Kisiel, Mark M.

Kitajima, Shinichi

Kletsian, Steven C.

Klinck, Mason J. O.

Klotz, Charles R.

Knowlton, Laurence H.

Kohl, Jarrod

Kolligian, Michele M.

Kondi, Edward S.

Korach, William Mark

Korzon, Jeffrey

Kostopoulos, Peter A.

Kozikowski, Joseph G.

Kozin, Marc David

Krakoff, Robert L.

Krasich, Milena

Krasner, Ivan

Krause, John C.

Krentzman, Harvey

Kucharski, John M.

Kung, Patrick C.

Kuniholm, Carl A.

Kussmaul, Maria Lewis

return to top of index


LaBonte, Brigitte

LaCasse, Marc L.

LaMantia, Charles R.

Lamphere, Robert J.

Landsmark, Ted

Lang, David A.

Lang, Phillip

Lang, Robert H., Jr.

Langford, Dean T.

Lannan, Thomas J.

Larner, Edward A., Jr.

Larson, H. E.

Lashmet, Earle N.

Lataif, Louis E.

Laughlin, Conan

LaWare, John Patrick

Lawrence, W. Thomas

Leach, James

Leake, Earl Douglas

Leary, J. Kevin

Leary, Todd

Leavitt, Richard F.

Lechthaler, Abigail

Ledo, Porfirio Thierry Muñoz

Lee, David H.

Lee, Scott S. H.

Lee, Theodore

Lee, Yang

Leffel, John Eakins

Lehner, Peter

Leighton, Douglas

Lemley, Fraser

Lerner, Michael E.

Levanon, Itzhak

Levine, Eric

Levine, Ruth

Levy, Franklin H.

Levy, Irving

Levy, Scott

Levy, Stephen Raymond

Lewis, Leslie B.

Lewis, Stanley M.

Lewis-Dwyer, Frances M.

Lia, Gary Peter

Lithgow, Webster

Lloyd, Dennis Earl

Lloyd, Ruth

Locarno, Gary M.

Lockberg, Gary

Logue, George A.

Lombardi, Joseph

Long, Joseph Graham

Losordo, Douglas

Losordo, Paul W.

Loucas, Thomas C.

Lowe, Joyce Catherine Marrow

Lowe, Philip L.

Lowell, William F., Jr.

Luce, Stephen C., Jr.

Luchetti, Jan

Luck, Michael F.

Lydon, James M.

Lyons, J. Peter

Lyons, Patrick T.

return to top of index


Ma, Steve

Macalaster, Andrews S.

Macalaster, Gail

Macalaster, Spencer Winship

MacArthur, Gregory W.

MacArthur, Robert W.

MacCurtain, Patrick J.

MacDonald, Terrence M.

MacGregor, James A.

Machen, Claude F.

MacIver, Kenneth F.

MacKay, Gordon Douglas

MacKinnon, J. Gordon

MacKinnon, John C.

Mackintosh, David D.

MacLean, John William

Macleod, Roderick K.

Macnamara, Robert W., Jr.

MacNeil, John W.

MacNeil, Norman E.

MacOdrum, Howard L.

MacPhee, Robert Scott

MacPherson, J. Gary

MacPhie, Elmore I.

MacPhie, Etta Phillips (Mrs. Elmore I.)

Macronis, Melanie

Madden, Alicia K. (Mrs. Leslie I.)

Madden, Leslie I.

Madison, Diane L.

Madison, John V.

Magee, Wilson K.

Maguire, Dennis

Maguire, James Gerard

Maguire, John J.

Maguire, Thomas W.

Mahan, Alexis A., Jr.

Maher, Cornelius C.

Maher, Dennis J.

Maher, Edward C.

Maher, Frank B.

Maher, Peter S.

Mahoney, Thomas J.

Mahony, Frederick J.

Maldari, Mario

Maloney, Brian

Maloney, Paul F.

Maloney, Richard G.

Maloney, Robert M.

Maloney, Therese

Malton, Charles T.

Malton, Marion D. (Mrs. Charles T.)

Mangan, William J.

Mangurian, Harry

Manninen, James Allen

Manning, John E.

Manning, Neil

Manthorne, Arnold

Marchiel, Thomas S.

Marcolini, Stephen Anthony

Marcus, Paul J.

Margolis, Lillian Prince

Marinella, Sabino

Markey, William F., Jr.

Marks, David

Marks, Terrance M.

Marno, John W.

Marooney, James John

Marquis, J. Thomas

Marr, Daniel F., Jr.

Marriner, John S.

Marriner, Kenneth W.

Marryott, Franklin J.

Marsden, Brian William

Marshall, Caroline P. (Mrs. Harold T.)

Marshall, Georgia A.

Marshall, Harold T.

Marshall, Laurence K.

Martel, Eugene H.

Martignetti, Ronald Anthony

Martin, Gerard M.

Martin, Henry J.

Martin, Horace J.

Martin, Lawrence H.

Martin, William C.

Martinez, Eugene L.

Martiros, Stephen

Masiz, John J.

Mason, Philip W.

Masterman, Edward I.

Masters, George W.

Matheson, Stuart Benson

Mathews, Cynthia C.

Mathis, Stephen P.

Matz, J. Edwin

Maxwell, Stanley F.

May, Herbert G., III

Mayer, Jean

McAfoose, Raymond C.

McAlpin, Jeff

McAvoy, Arthur J.

McBride, Robert H.

McCafferty, John J.

McCaffrey, Robert H.

McCallum, Elkin B.

McCann, Peter

McCarthy, Eugene J.

McCarthy, John C.

McCarthy, John J.

McCarthy, John J., Jr.

McCarthy, Marijo

McCarthy, P. Joseph

McCarthy, Peter B.

McCarthy, Raymond

McCartney, Alan

McCarty, Brian

McCarty, Robert G.

McClain, Francis M.

McClain, Samuel Ryan

McClelland, Frank

McConchie, John L.

McConnel, James Stewart

McCormick, Jeffrey S.

McCoy, Richard P.

McCray, Robert Cone

McCrea, John Livingstone

McCready, Charles R.

McCue, John A.

McCullen, Joseph T., Jr.

McCullough, Henry J.

McCusker, Henry J.

McCusker, Henry W.

McCusker, John W.

McCusker, Robert F.

McDermott, Pamela G.

McDermott, Thomas P.

McDevitt, Paul F.

McDonald, Robert P.

McDonough, Augustine J.

McDonough, David George

McDonough, John L.

McElwee, John G.

McEwen, William R., Jr.

McFarland, Richard M.

McGee, John D.

McGillicuddy, John T., Jr.

McGinnis, Richard E.

McGivney, John J.

McGlinchey, Joseph

McGlynn, Lawrence

McGonigle, Paul

McGovern, Margaret F.

McGowan, John H.

McGowan, Richard F.

McGrath, David, Jr.

McGrath, JoAnn (Mrs. David, Jr.)

McGregor, Francis A.

McGrory, John Joseph

McGuirl, Joseph F. X.

McHugh, Thomas J.

McIntire, Allyn B.

McIntyre, John P.

McKay, Andrew

McKenna, Margaret A.

McKiernan, Alanna

McKim, Alan S.

McKinney, Walter B.

McKinnon, Gordon

McLaughlin, Eric

McLaughlin, Philip Henry

McLean, Philip A.

McLellan, Gerald D.

McLellan, Robert

McMahon, Eugene F.

McManama, George B., Jr.

McManmon, John V., Jr.

McManus, Richard A.

McMillan, Thomas M.

McNamara, Eugene P.

McNamara, Margaret Frances (Mrs. Robert C., Jr.)

McNamara, Robert C., Jr.

McNeice, John A., Jr.

McNeish, John D.

McPherson, Paul F., Jr.

McSweeney, Brian J., III

McVey, Elmer J.

Meagher, Frederick A.

Meagher, Frederick A., Jr.

Meagher, Mary Gertrude (Mrs. Frederick A.)

Meagher, William Francis

Means, Augustus G.

Meeks, Louis Walter

Melanson, Steven Andrew

Melaugh, Edward G.

Melone, Joseph J.

Menard, Arthur Patrick

Meoli, William R.

Mercer, William C.

Meredith, L. Douglas

Mergott, Winston

Merkert, Eugene F.

Merlino, Frank Andrew

Mermelstein, Stephen E.

Meserve, Walter J.

Mesniaeff, Gregory

Messman, Jack L.

Metais, Albert

Metcalf, Arthur G. B.

Meyer, Allan

Migliazzo, Joshua

Miles, Gregg S.

Milkey, Lewis H.

Millard, Donald A.

Millard, Donald A., Jr.

Millard, Jeannette D. (Mrs. Donald A.)

Miller, David F., III

Miller, E. Lawrence

Miller, Ethel Davidson (Mrs. Clifford V.)

Miller, George C.

Miller, George Francis

Miller, Harold T.

Miller, J. Kurt

Miller, Julia C. (Mrs. George C.)

Miller, Lloyd L.

Miller, Raymond

Miller, Richard E.

Miller, Tucker R.

Mills, Frank D.

Mills, Rodney S.

Miner, [ ] (Mrs. Leroy M. S.)

Miner, Leroy M. S.

Mirabito, Robert S.

Mitchell, Matthew J.

Mittelstadt, Matthew Wood

Mitton, Arthur G., Jr.

Mitton, Doris

Mitton, Edward R.

Mitton, Margaret L. (Mrs. Richard)

Mitton, Robert

Mock, Harold A.

Modigliani, L. G.

Moffatt, Maura Griffith

Moher, Arthur J.

Moloney, Laurence

Moloney, Thomas Egbert

Monaghan, William H.

Monan, J. Donald

Monroe, Parker L., II

Montilio, Ernest J.

Montle, Paul J.

Monty, W. Scott, II

Mooney, Paul A.

Moore, Cecilia H. (Mrs. Irwin L.)

Moore, Charles L.

Moore, Gladys (Mrs. Mark, Jr.)

Moore, Irwin L.

Moore, Mark, Jr.

Moore, Thomas

Moran, Donald F.

Moran, John M.

Morda, Gina

Morel, Richard D.

Moretti, Anthony

Moretti, Mary P. F.

Morgan, F. Paul

Morgan, Jack S.

Morgan, John W.

Morgan, Karen E. V. (née Connell)

Moriarty, James W.

Moriarty, John J., II

Moriarty, Mary Feely

Morin, Charles H.

Morison, Stephen G.

Morison, Thomas L.

Morner, Richard R.

Morone, Joseph

Morrill, John A.

Morris, Carl A.

Morris, Edwin Bateman, III

Morris, Thomas E.

Morrison, John C.

Morrison, Richard D.

Morse, Arthur A.

Morse, David Earl

Morse, Garlan

Morse, Herbert E.

Morse, Richard S.

Morton, E. James

Morton, Vincent P.

Morton, William G., Jr.

Moses, William B., Jr.

Mosher, Arthur H.

Mosher, Giles E., Jr.

Mottla, Joseph P.

Moy, Jeffery F.

Moylan, Isolde

Mozzone, Joseph

Mueller, Robert K.

Mugar, Stephen P.

Mulhern, Richard J.

Mullaney, Joseph E., III

Mullen, George M.

Mulligan, William J.

Mulligan, William J., Jr.

Mulloney, Robert F.

Mullowney, Michael E.

Mulville, Barbara H.

Muntyan, Keith B.

Murphy, Barry W., Jr.

Murphy, Charles F.

Murphy, Francis D.

Murphy, Gary William

Murphy, Herbert A.

Murphy, James M.

Murphy, John Edward, Jr.

Murphy, John V.

Murphy, Robert J.

Murphy, Thomas F.

Murphy, Walter G.

Murphy, William P.

Murray, D. Michael

Murray, Donald Michael

Murray, John T. C.

Murrill, Hugh A.

Murtagh, Kathryn

Mutrie, James E.

Myer, Charles Randolph, II

Myers, Kenneth H.

return to top of index


Nacey, Michael

Najjar, Edward George

Nalchajian, Willard D.

Nangle, Edward J., Jr.

Nargassans, Robert C.

Nauss, David D.

Naylor, Thurman F.

Nazzaro, John

Neal, Thomas D.

Neher, Harry P., Jr.

Neill, Stanley E.

Nelson, Edwin R.

Nessel, Melvin B.

Neuhauser, John J.

Nevins, Myron

Newcomb, Frederick W.

Newcomb, Frederick W., Jr.

Newell, William F., Jr.

Newman, Jane E. (Bonnie)

Nicholas, Katherine Lilly

Nicholas, Peter Michael

Nicholas, Peter Michael, Jr.

Nichols, Guy W.

Nichols, Nelle H. (Mrs. Henry J.)

Nickels, Frederick H.

Nickels, Gwendolyn K. (Mrs. Frederick H.)

Nickerson, Stacy M.

Nicolazzo, Richard

Nolan, Joseph L.

Nolan, Leonard Feeney

Nolan, William J.

Nordblom, Peter

Nordblom, Robert C.

Nordblom, Rodger P.

Norman, Alden L., Jr.

Norris, John F.

Norwood, Karl Edgar

Nourse, Chester L., Jr.

Nourse, Newton L.

Novinsky, Norman

Noyes, Arthur F.

Nyere, Robert A.

Nyhan, John J.

return to top of index


Oakes, Howard E.

O'Block, Robert P.

O'Boyle, Joseph E.

O'Brien, Carol

O'Brien, Esther C. (Mrs. Richard C.)

O'Brien, John Francis

O'Brien, Lawrence F.

O'Brien, Louise

O'Brien, Michael Joseph

O'Brien, Richard G.

O'Brien, Robert F.

O'Brien, William J.

O'Brien, William K.

Ochs, Andrew John

Ochs, John Andrew

O'Connell, John J.

O'Connell, Richard H.

O'Connell, Thomas F.

O'Connell, William J.

O'Connor, Daniel J., Jr.

O'Connor, Jeremiah W.

O'Connor, John M.

O'Connor, Joseph W.

O'Connor, Thomas D.

O'Connor, Thomas Henry

O'Connor, Thomas Henry, Jr.

O'Conor, Charles W.

Oddi, Frank F.

O'Donnell, James William

O'Dowd, Jeffrey G.

Ohanian, M. Bruce

O'Hanrahan, Orla

O'Hearn, John P., Jr.

O'Keefe, Bernard J.

O'Keefe, Teri Brock (Mrs. Bernard J.)

O'Keeffe, Adrian

O'Leary, Daniel F.

O'Leary, John F.

O'Leary, Paul J.

O'Leary, Rosemary M. (Mrs. Daniel F.)

Olivieri, John

Olmstead, Ronald Law

Olson, Kenneth

O'Meara, Richard Brian

O'Neil, Eugene J.

O'Neil, Walter G.

O'Neill, Thomas P., III

O'Neill, William J., Jr.

O'Reilly, George

O'Reilly, Vincent

Oren, Harman

O'Riordan, Conor

Orlandino, Roberta

O'Rourke, Catherine M.

Orr, James F., III

Orr, James H.

Orr, James H., Jr.

Orr, Robert W.

Osgood, Ernest H., Jr.

O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas J.

Ospina, Bertha Olga

Osterhoff, James M.

Ostrom, Anthony D.

Owen, John

Owens, Michael J.

Owens, Robert J.

return to top of index


Padilla, Esteban

Paige, Donald G.

Palfreyman, Donald

Palleiko, Mary Anne

Pallotta, James

Palmer, Elise M. (Mrs. J. Guy)

Palmer, J. Guy

Palmer, Linwood E., Jr.

Palmer, Paul J.

Palmer, Walter Ellis

Panagopoulos, Christos P.

Panessiti, Robert M.

Panichas, George T.

Pantic-Tanner, Zorica

Panzarino, Peter

Paoli, Patrice M.

Papaioannou, Vassilis

Papoyans, Albert

Pappas, Charles Anthony

Pappas, John C.

Pappas, Katherine P. (Mrs. John C.)

Pappas, Thomas A.

Pardo, Felix

Paresky, Joseph M.

Park, Jayson

Park, Joseph F.

Park, Robert H.

Park, Sang-Seek

Parker, Frank J.

Parker, Franklin P.

Parks, Earle C.

Parmelee, Harold J.

Parr, William A.

Parsons, Donald G.

Parsons, Jeffrey Roy

Paterson, Marion Pushie (Mrs. Seward M.)

Paterson, Seward M.

Patten, John G.

Payne, Anthony

Pearson, Vincent I.

Pecchenino, C. Leonhardt

Pecevich, Stephen

Peck, Stephen B.

Peckham, Robert Bruce

Pedini, Kenneth

Peidró, Ricardo

Pellegrino, Joseph P.

Pellegrino, Joseph P., Jr.

Pelletier, James J.

Peltzman, Steven

Pereira, Jaime

Perez, Hazel

Perini, Charles B., Jr.

Perini, Louis R.

Periton, J. Anthony

Perkins, John S.

Perkins, Richard A.

Perrin, Scott D.

Perry, Kenneth E.

Perry, Robert S.

Person, William P.

Peters, Carmel

Peters, Klaus

Peters, Philip H.

Petersen, William

Peterson, Brooke

Peterson, E. Norman, Jr.

Peterson, Howard John, Jr.

Petrovic, Louis J.

Peura, Toni

Pfaff, Lawrence F.

Phalen, George E.

Phalon, Philip

Phaneuf, Florence A. (Mrs. Louis E.)

Phifer, J. Keith

Phildius, Peter P.

Philips, John N.

Phillips, Colette

Phillips, Derwyn F.

Phillips, Edward E.

Picard, Dennis Joseph

Picardi, William J.

Pickard, Ralph W.

Pickering, Clinton W.

Pierce, Elisha G., III

Pierce, James Robert

Pierce, Jeffrey R.

Pierce, Lee B.

Piemonte, Catherine

Pike, Bertram N.

Pinard, Paul M.

Pineo, George L.

Pingree, Edwin J.

Pinto, James J.

Pipin, Frederick L.

Pirozzolo, Jack R.

Pitt, Edgar W.

Pitts, James A.

Pitts, Paul J.

Plimpton, Hollis Winslow, Jr.

Plotkin, Joyce L.

Plumley, H. Ladd

Plunkett, Christopher L.

Plunkett, Gregory P.

Poist, William G.

Polachi, Charles A., Jr.

Polvere, Daniel M.

Popa, Andy, Jr.

Pope, Gordon A.

Popeo, R. Robert

Pops, Richard

Porcelli, Francis

Porter, David Craig

Porter, Henry K.

Portiche, Maurice

Post, Larry

Post, Peter B.

Powell, Eliot

Powell, Jerome M.

Powell, Peter H.

Power, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. Davieson D.)

Power, Helena M. (Mrs. James F.)

Power, James F.

Powers, Henry Martin

Pratt, Albert

Prentiss, Michael V.

Prescott, Bryant

Presutti, Alfred

Primavera, Ronald E.

Proctor, Esther B.

Proctor, Grosvenor

Proctor, Margaret O. F. (Mrs. Thomas E.)

Proctor, Thomas E.

Protze, Herman G.

Protze, Laura B. (Mrs. Herman G.)

Provandie, Paul H.

Provo, Lester G.

Pruyn, William J.

Pryor, Thomas W.

Purcell, John Joseph, Jr.

Purcell, Patrick J.

Purvis, Richard T.

Pusey, Nathan M.

Putnam, David F.

Putnam, George

Putney, Charles Matthew

return to top of index


Queally, Patrick

Quigley, John L.

Quincy, Christopher Timothy

Quinlan, Paula

Quinn, Daniel L.

Quinn, Edward W.

Quinn, John B.

Quinn, John W.

Quinn, John William, Jr.

Quinnan, Gerald V.

return to top of index


Rabb, Irving W.

Rahman, Khairi Dwayne

Railsback, Walter S.

Randall, Theodore P.

Rankin, John

Raser, Marian and Marshall

Rasmussen, Arthur P., Jr.

Ravi, Madhuri

Raye, Philip C.

Raymond, Leonard J.

Raymond, Vivian St. John (Mrs. Neil C.)

Rayner, James H.

Read, Peter C.

Reardon, John J.

Reardon, Katherine (Mrs. Charles T.)

Reardon, Scott T.

Reaske, Christopher

Reber, William D.

Rechner, Carl B.

Rechner, Margaret (Mrs. Carl B.)

Redgate, Howard

Redmond, David Anthony

Reed, Mary L.

Reeves, Courtney H.

Regan, Charles D. J.

Regan, Timothy J., Jr.

Reiber, Richard H.

Reichter, Bradley Allen

Reichter, Richard

Reilly, John J.

Reilly, John R.

Remick, Frank E.

Remis, Robert E.

Rennie, John C.

Reynolds, Laura (Mrs. H. Paul)

Reynolds, Robert W.

Reznicek, Bernard W.

Rheingold, Linda Courtiss

Rich, John F.

Richardson, Walker Scott

Richmond, Florence H. (Mrs. Harold B.)

Ries, Frank William

Riggs, John E., III

Riley, Charles P.

Riley, Gladys M. (Mrs. Wilson Morgan)

Riley, Jane Blake

Riley, Thomas E.

Riley, Thomas E., Jr.

Riley, Wilson Morgan

Rinnert, Bernd

Ritchie, Frederick A.

Rittenhouse, Helen D. (Mrs. Charles F.)

Rizzo, Nicholas Albert, Jr.

Robbins, Richard L.

Robbins, Winslow A.

Roberson, R. Earl

Roberts, James G.

Roberts, Willis Lincoln

Robertson, William R.

Robie, Donald S.

Robie, Gordon E.

Robie, Helen M. (Mrs. Robert S.)

Robie, Richard S.

Robie, Richard S., Jr.

Robinson, Albert E.

Robinson, Orlinda (Mrs. Albert E.)

Robinson, Thomas A.

Rocha, Rodrigo

Roche, Daniel

Roche, Patrick J., Jr.

Rochman, Guy M.

Rock, Mathias, Jr.

Rockefeller, James F. M. Clark

Rockwell, George Barcus

Rockwell, Llewellyn H.

Rockwell, Llewellyn H., Jr.

Roddy, Gilbert M.

Rodman, Steven P.

Roehl, Ora C.

Rogers, Albert H.

Rogers, Archie A.

Rogers, Daniel J.

Rogers, Eva J. (Mrs. Daniel J.)

Rogers, James H.

Rohdin, Howard A.

Romsey, David M., Jr.

Ronder, Richard W.

Rooney, Michael R.

Rosane, Richard C.

Rosenberg, Lorna

Ross, Richard Barry

Roth, Herbert, Jr.

Rothman, Elliot P.

Rothwell, Alyssa Ann

Rothwell, Bernard J., II

Rothwell, Jack C., Jr.

Rothwell, Paul T.

Rounds, Horace P.

Rousseau, William C.

Rowell, George B.

Rowings, James E.

Roy, Adelard Alphonse

Roy, Real O.

Rozelle, Frederick C., Jr.

Rucker, Allen W.

Rucker, Elise M. (Mrs. Allen W.)

Rudell, Allan L.

Ruegg, Ernest W.

Rugg, Arthur Prentice

Ruggles, David J.

Russell, Edward J.

Russell, Helen S. (Mrs. Warren K.)

Russell, Richard Warren

Russell, Stanley G., Jr.

Russell, Warren K.

Russo, Joseph N., III

Rutherford, Louise D. (Mrs. John R.)

Rutherford, Rondall W.

Rutkowski, John Joseph

Rutter, Walter F.

Ryan, Cynthia

Ryan, Eugene J.

Ryan, George T.

Ryan, Kimberly S.

Ryan, Paul Mark

Ryan, Thomas A.

Ryan, Thomas T., Jr.

Ryder, Kenneth G.

Ryker, Norman J.

return to top of index


Sacco, Paul

Sadler, William C.

Sager, Robert Charles

Salatich, William G.

Salerno, Harry E.

Saliba, Jacob

Saluti, Dean J.

Samiotes, Nicholas G.

Samour, Carlos

Sampson, Paul

Sampson, Ronald G.

Sampson, Thomas A.

Sanborn, Allen W.

Sanborn, Joseph S.

Sanborn, Robert B.

Sandler, Michael R.

Sands, Walter E.

Sanger, Wilbert R.

Santamarina, Bernardo A. G.

Saponaro, Charles

Saponaro, Tannaz

Sargent, David R.

Sarno, Gerald D.

Sarno, Lisa E.

Sarris, Nicholas

Sarrouf, Camille F., Jr.

Saunders, Jeffrey Glenn

Saunders, Roger A.

Saunders, Tedd R.

Saunders, Todd R.

Sawyer, William P.

Sayare, Mitchel

Scales, Robert J.

Scanlan, James White

Scarlata, Paul F.

Schaefer, Elise

Schan, William A.

Schaumburg, Grant W., Jr.

Schell, Samuel N.

Schenck, Garret

Schenck, Hilbert Van N.

Schirmer, William F.

Schmalenberger, Robert F.

Schmelzer, Henry L. P.

Schnelle, Rolf-Dieter

Schnitzer, Jay J.

Schoepflin, Paul H.

Schram, John P.

Schrule, Thomas

Schultz, C. Mehlman

Schulz, John

Schwartz, Everett

Schweizer, Eduard Hansjorg

Schweser, Scott Ralston

Scott, Ann P. (Mrs. David T.)

Scott, David T.

Scott, Thomas Harold

Scranton, William M.

Scribner, Charles E.

Scully, Francis P.

Scully, John Carroll

Scully, Mary M. (Mrs. Francis P.)

Seal, George H.

Seaman, Robert D.

Seamans, Donald C.

Seamans, Peter B.

Searle, John E., Jr.

Sears, Douglas

Sedky, Ramses

See, Philip H.

Serio, Robert E.

Shachoy, Norman J.

Shafto, Robert Austin

Shanks, David C.

Shannon, Elizabeth

Sharpe, John G.

Sharxhi, Mirel

Shaw, C. Michael

Shaw, Eric W.

Shaw, William F.

Shea, Henry J.

Shea, Joseph F.

Shea, Ralph Angus

Shea, William J.

Shean, William

Sheehan, James

Sheetz, John Wesley

Sheffer, Albert L.

Shemin, Richard Jay

Shepard, Francis G.

Shepard, John F.

Shepard, W. Hardie

Shepardson, Wallace L.

Shepherd, Thomas R.

Sherman, Edward D.

Sherman, Larry W.

Sherman, Malcolm L.

Sherrard, Andrew A.

Sherratt, John Dale

Sherry, Donna McLellan

Sheskey, William

Shewan, Stanley N.

Shields, Carmel

Shields, Elizabeth Coulter

Shields, Laura Thornton

Shinil, Park

Shiring, Paul B.

Shlomo, Meir

Shneider, Sidney

Sholley, Peter B.

Shoolman, Alan Robert

Shreve, Richard S.

Shriner, Katherine M. (Mrs. Blanchard U.)

Shusas, Gary

Sideli, Jacqueline

Siegfried, Robert E.

Siegfriedt, Ernest E., Jr.

Silvia, Francis M.

Simboli, Anthony C.

Simeone, Benjamin A., Jr.

Simmons, Guy J.

Simmons, James G.

Simmons, Michael

Simonian, Robert Kane

Simonson, Wendell Allen

Simpson, John R., Jr.

Singer, Robert B. L.

Singer, Thomas E.

Sinks, Lucius Frederick

Skinner, Louis T.

Slade, William F.

Sleeper, Edward L.

Slifka, Alfred

Sloane, Christopher W.

Smith, Charles C., Jr.

Smith, Charles T.

Smith, Charles W.

Smith, Christopher Esmond

Smith, Frances Hayward

Smith, George Warren

Smith, Graydon

Smith, J. Perry

Smith, Janet

Smith, Judy R. (Mrs. Nelson C.)

Smith, Keith I.

Smith, Liz V.

Smith, Michael Paul

Smith, Nancy Spencer

Smith, Nelson C.

Smith, Paul G., Jr.

Smith, Raymond W.

Smith, Richard P.

Smith, Robert L.

Smith, Thomas J.

Smith, Timothy Fraser

Smyly, Wilfred James, Jr.

Sneath, Herbert C.

Sneath, Nell Mercer (Mrs. Herbert C.)

Snider, Eliot I.

Snow, Donald B.

Snyder, Franklin

Snyder, Paul Harlan

Sobin, Julian M.

Solano, Richard

Somerville, J. Deane

Somerville, Kurt F.

Sophocles, Michael

Souny, Bernard

Sourber, Charles Henry, Jr.

Spangle, Clarence W.

Sparrow, Richard S., Jr.

Spear, George R.

Spellman, Edward J.

Spence, Gordon G.

Spence, John

Spence, Rina K.

Spencer, Carlton W.

Spencer, Olive T. (Mrs. Charles E., Jr.)

Spero, Frederick H.

Spilhaus, Karl

Spiller, Clifford

Spinola, John J.

Splaine, David A.

Sprague, Robert C.

Squillante, Pierluigi

Squire, David F.

Squire, James R.

Stack, John

Stack, Mildred M. (Mrs. Lee P.)

Stackhouse, Dennis C.

Stanhope, Luther E.

Stansell, Robert A., Jr.

Stansfield, Norman

Stanton, James F.

Stanton, Seabury

Stapleton, David W.

Staszesky, Francis M.

Staton, Harry P., Jr.

Stawniak, Henry A.

Stawniak, Virginia L. (Mrs. Henry A.)

Stebbins, [ ] (Mrs. Herbert A.)

Stedfast, Albert M.

Stegle, Joseph G.

Steingraber, Peter C.

Stepanian, Ira

Stern, Alec

Stevens, Horace N., Jr.

Stevens, Marian Bradley (Mrs. Philip E.)

Stevens, Philip E.

Stevens, Ralph J.

Steverman, John C.

Stewart, James M.

St. George, Paul

Stieg, Phillip

Stillman, Ronald E.

Stitt, Richard P.

St. Marie, Glenn

Stockwell, Fred F.

Stoddard, Robert W.

Stoiber, Wolfgang

Stokes, John W.

Stone, Henry S.

Stone, James F.

Stone, Walter M.

Stoneman, John C.

Story, Gordon L.

Strachan, Ronald R.

Strang, Lawrence M.

Strathern, James G.

Stratton, John E.

Struzenski, Jeffery J.

St. Thomas, Victor F.

Stuart, John Crichton, II

Stuart, Mary Aline (Mrs. Raymond T.)

Stuart, Raymond T.

Stuetzer, Herman, Jr.

Sugden, Frederick

Sugden, Jane

Sugden, Walter J.

Sullivan, David B.

Sullivan, Edward J.

Sullivan, Eugene F.

Sullivan, Haywood C.

Sullivan, James C.

Sullivan, Jay F.

Sullivan, John A.

Sullivan, John Herbert

Sullivan, John J.

Sullivan, Joseph W.

Sullivan, Margaret S. (Mrs. Raymond C.)

Sullivan, Michael T. K.

Sullivan, Patrick J.

Sullivan, Quinlan J.

Sullivan, Richard J.

Sullivan, Robert J.

Sullivan, Thomas F.

Sullivan, William F.

Sullivan, William H., Jr.

Summers, Robert C.

Sunderland, Henry D.

Surber, Hansjörg

Sutherland, Heslip E.

Sutton, Clement E., Jr.

Swain, Richard

Swan, Thomas J.

Swan, Thomas J., Jr.

Swan, Thomas J., III

Swartley, Wilmer C., Jr.

Swartz, Clayton W.

Sweeney, Charles W.

Sweeney, John DeValera

Sweeney, Stephen J.

Sweeney, William R.

Swider, Eric

Swift, Paul

Swindells, George A.

Switzer, Larry K.

Sylvia, Walter

Symons, John W.

Syron, Richard F.

return to top of index


Tagman, Charles T., Jr.

Talbot, Harold Dean

Tambone, Antonio J.

Tangney, Eugene M.

Tangney, Susan

Tappan, Doris K. (Mrs. Herrick O.)

Tappan, Herrick O.

Taub, Bruce D.

Tavares, Keith

Taylor, Arthur Y.

Taylor, Edmund H.

Taylor, Edward P.

Taylor, Eugene E.

Taylor, John A.

Taylor, Michael

Taylor, Paul E.

Taylor, William D.

Taylor, William Watson

Taylor-Blair, Debra

Templeman, Lawrence I.

Tenney, Charles H., II

Tenney, Rockwell C.

Terasawa, Yoshio

Termeer, Henri A.

Ter Meulen, André Wilhelm

Terrell, Dorothy

Tetrick, William M.

Teuber, William J., Jr.

Thayer, Virginia S. (Mrs. Lucius E.)

Therrien, Robert J.

Thier, Samuel O.

Thomas, H. Emerson, Jr.

Thomas, Hugh

Thompson, Almore I.

Thompson, Cameron S.

Thompson, John Larkin

Thompson, Stephen W. A.

Thompson, William F.

Thomson, Arlene M. (Mrs. Earl H.)

Thomson, D. Eric

Thomson, Donald J.

Thomson, Earl H.

Thomson, James B.

Thomson, Sheila M.

Thorn, John B.

Thorp, Robert K.

Thorson, Allyse M. (Mrs. Ralph W.)

Thrower, Charles W.

Thurmond, George M.

Thurmond, Madeline B. (Mrs. George M.)

Thurmond, Peter L.

Tibolt, Alexandra (Mrs. Robert P.)

Tibolt, Robert P.

Tibor, Robert P.

Tierney, John

Tierney, Joseph L., Jr.

Tierney, Michael E.

Tierney, Thomas M.

Tierney, Tomye

Tilford, Michael

Timilty, Gregory

Tinetti, John Paul

Tinkler, William G.

Tobin, Richard F.

Tocci, Paul Louis

Toner, Michael E.

Tonra, James E.

Toomey, Christopher J.

Tosi, Laurence A., Jr.

Towle, Franklin T.

Townsend, James M.

Tracey, Patrick Austin

Tracy, Clifford B., Jr.

Trani, Salvatore J.

Travers, Henry Linus

Tresise, Richard C.

Treviño, Jorge

Trichon, Maggie

Trigg, D. Thomas

True, Donald Woodworth

True, Howard Roswell, Jr.

True, Thomas Francis, III

Trulli, Alphonso A.

Truslow, Henry A.

Tsongas, Paul E.

Tuchler, Andrew

Tucker, William H.

Tuckerman, Bayard, Jr.

Tuckerman, Milicent E. (Mrs. Bayard, Jr.)

Tufts, Nathan

Tulley, Bertha F. (Mrs. John N.)

Tulley, John N.

Turgeon, Frank L.

Turley, Joseph F.

Turnbull, Clayton H. W.

Turner, Eric M.

Turner, Hope

Tuthill, Bruce S.

Tuttle, William W.

Twiss, Chester K.

Tyler, Anna M. (Mrs. Maurice L.)

Tyler, Horace

Tyng, James

Tyrrell, Joseph P.

Tyrrell, Joseph P., Jr.

return to top of index


Uehlein, William Frederick

Ullian, Dora

Ullian, Elaine Shepard

Upton, Robert J.

Utterback, James Davis

return to top of index


Vaas, Francis J.

Vagliano, Justin

Vaitses, Theodore J.

Valcour, Henry C.

Valerio, Michael A.

Van, William Ross

Vandenburgh, W. Alan

Vanderslice, Thomas A.

Van Faasen, William C.

Van Heyst, Jacobus

Vankerk-Hoven, Thierry

Vappi, C. Vincent

Vazza, Richard

Vazza, Stephen F.

Vernaglia, Joshua J.

Verney, Elizabeth Ingham

Verney, Gilbert

Verney, Richard Greville

Verni, Ralph Francis

Verran, Robert S.

Verrochi, Paul Michael

Viano, Michael

Vicidomino, Joseph Vincent

Vilimas, Joseph, Jr.

Viola, Thomas C.

Vitagliano, Nancy McCann

Vitto, Vincent

Vocatura, Peter P.

Vogel, Julius

Von Germeten, James N.

Vose, Robert C., Jr.

Vose, Robert C., III

Vrabel, Joseph P. J.

return to top of index


Wadland, Charles P.

Wagner, Harvey A.

Wales, Andrew M.

Walker, Douglas

Walker, Gerrold M.

Walker, James

Walker, Robert J.

Walker, Ronald L., II

Walker, Todd

Walker, Winthrop B.

Wallace, Eben

Wallace, Edward M.

Wallace, George R., Jr.

Wallace, Gilman

Wallace, Jack

Wallace, John

Wallem, Lutz Nordahl

Wallwork, Robert F.

Walsh, Allan Robert

Walsh, Brian

Walsh, Christopher S.

Walsh, Diana Chapman

Walsh, Gerald R.

Walsh, James H., III

Walsh, John J., Jr.

Walsh, Michael P.

Walsh, Robert J.

Walsh, Thomas R.

Walsh, Thomas R., Jr.

Walsh, William F.

Wang, An

Ward, Elmer L.

Ward, Howard Hoffman

Ward, Parker V.

Ward, Robert Roy, Jr.

Ward, Walter A.

Wardwell, Charles H.

Ware, Constance E.

Waring, Lloyd B.

Warner, David T.

Warshaw, Andrew L.

Watchmaker, Kenneth I.

Waterman, Frank S., III

Waters, Richard P., Jr.

Watson, Clement H.

Watson, Robert K.

Watt, J. Brooks

Waxlax, Lorne R.

Weafer, John J.

Weaver, Paul R.

Webster, David Z.

Webster, Vollie S. (Mrs. William)

Webster, William

Weedon, Daniel Reid

Weedon, Daniel Reid, Jr.

Weeks, Sinclair

Weinig, Robert W.

Weinstein, Allen

Weiss, Ira Richard

Weiss, Joseph Clement

Welch, James O.

Welch, Peter C.

Welch, Vedna B. (Mrs. James O.)

Wellman, Arthur O., Jr.

Wellman, John G.

Wellman, Michael A.

Wells, Frances S. (Mrs. Neilson P.)

Wells, Michael Colin

Wells, Neilson P.

Welsh, Cora W. (Mrs. William G.)

Welsh, William G.

Wendell, David Taylor

West, Kenneth P.

Wheble, J. Arthur

Wheble, Mary Dee (Mrs. J. Arthur)

Wheeler, Mark C.

Wheeler, Robert Fellows

Whelan, Thomas Joseph

Whipling, Henry F.

Whipple, Paul J.

Whiston, David

White, Erskine N.

White, James N.

White, James R.

White, Lisa M. Walsh

White, Loren C.

White, Robert G.

White, Thomas J.

Whitescarver, Jack E.

Whittemore, Frederick B.

Whittemore, Frederick W.

Whynott, Douglas P.

Widett, Harold

Wilbur, Vincent P.

Wilcox, Arthur P.

Wild, Philip A.

Wilde, William J.

Will, Francis A.

Willard, Allen D.

Williams, Edward F.

Williams, Edward H.

Williams, Frederica

Williams, Jack

Willis, Fred Leslie

Willis, Richard S.

Willis, Robert H.

Willis, Velma H. (Mrs. Richard S.)

Wilson, Leonard M.

Wilson, Lyle A., Jr.

Wilson, Richard H.

Wilson, Robert G.

Wilson, Robert K.

Wilson, Roger B.

Wilson, Vincent M.

Windle, Winfred W.

Wingate, Roger H.

Winkler, Charles J., Jr.

Winslow, Robert S.

Winstanley, David J.

Wise, Robert

Witt, Robert E.

Wobrock, Frederick

Woelfel, John A.

Woelfel, Mark A.

Woerner, Herman F.

Wojcieszak, Gregory S.

Wolin, Robert H.

Wollaston, Jared A.

Wolpert, Patricia S.

Wood, Harvey W.

Wood, Ingrid

Wood, James A.

Woodland, William N.

Woodruff, Lorande M.

Woods, Fergal P.

Woods, Gary T.

Woods, John L., Jr.

Worrell, Peter Robert

Wreidt, Niel M.

Wren, Paul I.

Wright, Calvin J.

Wright, David M.

Wright, Fraley D. (Mrs. David M.)

Wright, Samuel T.

Wu, Henry

Wunder, Gustave Frederick

Wycherley, B. Richard

Wynn, Thomas J.

Wysocki, Raymond J.

return to top of index


Yanoff, Michael J.

Yanoff, Seymour L.

Yardley, Richard

Yeransian, Leslie Ward

Young, Alan

Young, George P.

Young, Henry C.

Young, Philip

Young, Richard B.

Young, Richard W.

Youngs, Joseph Harry

return to top of index


Zacharis, John C.

Zadel, C. William

Zehnder, William Glasgow

Zeien, Alfred M.

Zeyen, Deborah

Zeytoonjian, Edward Krikor

Ziegler, Marian H. (Mrs. Vincent C.)

Ziegler, Vincent C.

Ziemke, Kenneth Conrad

Zraket, Charles A.

Zuendt, Theodore A.

return to top of index

Preferred Citation

Algonquin Club of Boston records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


McKim, Mead & White.


Boston (Mass.)--Buildings, structures, etc.
Boston (Mass.)--Social life and customs.
Historic buildings--Massachusetts--Boston.
Men--Societies and clubs.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Algonquin Club of Boston photographs. Artifacts have been removed to the MHS Artifacts Collection. Printed material has been removed and cataloged separately.